Thursday 3 May 2018

Ponto sistema de comércio correu gs

Sistema de comércio de pontos executado gs
Encontrando as Escrituras.
Reqs: lvl 126, completado "Visit the Old Man" de Truck Driver.
De: Suspeito Folk [Wharf]
* Elimine o pescador para pegar livros.
* Passe livros para Folk.
Recompensa: 13 esferas espirituais.
Notas: Desativar "Texture Font" nas opções do lançador para poder.
ver / completar a missão. No entanto, @ 127 você pode ver o texto mesmo.
sem desabilitar a fonte de textura.
Req: 130, completado "Relatório de Arquivo em Objetos Encontrados" de Prison Corpse [TH Tunnel 3]
* Confirme o minério na mina da cadeia. Clique aqui para continuar na Prisão Privada do Sacred Financial Group.
* Entregue Ore à delegacia de TH.
Recompensa: Basic Upgrade Set [1 poção de proteção, 1 rebarba]
Notas: Esta missão é acionada antecipadamente @
75 perguntando sobre o minério.
Req: lvl 130, completou a missão de entrar na prisão.
"Cadeia privada do grupo financeiro sagrado"
De: Warden Wail [Prisão]
* Resgate a polícia presa na torre central.
Recompensa: Exp 18000.
Notas: Use o mapa para localizar a torre central e passar para a área. Desequipar seu.
arma para evitar ser atingido por armas agressivas (Black Ninja & Parak)
Req: lvl 130, missão anterior completa "Rescue Police Companion"
De: Warden Wail [Prisão]
* Procure por chaves [1] de Red Thief, Black Thief.
* Procure por CD [1] de Red Thief, Black Thief.
* Passe itens para Wail Warden.
Recompensa: Rosário da Alma [Nível 120]
Notas: Agora pode COMER ITENS com Wail Warden.
Req: lvl 130, completado "Rescue Police Companion"
* Encontrar suspeito de dentro da cadeia chamada "Soul (Middle Hole)"
Recompensa: caixa de anel, caixa de moagem.
Notas: Use o mapa para localizar o NPC "Soul (Middle Hole)" na prisão.
Req: lvl 130, completou a missão anterior.
De: Warden Wail [Prisão]
* Informe a polícia sobre a situação.
Recompensa: C lvl Steel coat & amp; Saia / Calça
Req: lvl 130, missão anterior completa "Rescue Police Companion"
* Elimine 12 Supervisores / Lards Irritados.
* Reporte para a polícia TH.
Req: lvl 130, completado "Report Status of Jail"
* Procure por Wail Warden.
* Verifique a torre central.
* Verifique a entrada do Centro de Operação Subterrânea 61,106.
* Reporte para o Wail Warden.
Recompensa: Exp 18000, Red Bead [2]
Req: lvl 130, completado "Investigue a Cadeia"
De: Warden Wail [Prisão]
* Investigue um centro perto da torre de controle.
* Investigue o Centro B perto da torre de controle 46,96.
* Investigue o Centro C perto da torre de controle 70,98.
* Investigue o Centro D perto da torre de controle 70,71.
* Diga ao Wail Warden o resultado da investigação.
* Enviar relatório final para a polícia TH.
Recompensa: Exp. 24000.
Req: lvl 130, completado "Report Violent Criminals"
* Colete 7 scraps de informações de Prisoner-HammerMan, Prisoner-RockMan.
* Transmitir descobertas para a polícia de TH.
Recompensa: Exp 18000.
Req: lvl 130, completado "Obter Lista de Prisioneiros"
* Elimine 12 Prisoner-HammerMan.
* Relatar o resultado para a polícia de TH.
Recompensa: Exp 24000, Atributo 2.
Notas: A quest "Weapon Shop Owner" para lvl 140 é disparada automaticamente após essa quest.
Req: lvl 132, terminou antes Polícia do cais / HO / Folk? missões.
"O segundo andar da base secreta" verde ""
De: Polícia [Wharf]
* Colete 7 fragmentos de carta de Ninja (M), SteelHead, Saint Gambler.
* Fale com a polícia [Wharf]
Recompensa: Ouro 40000, Anel Aruhagen [Nível 120] [+ 4]
Req: lvl 132, terminou a missão "O 3º Andar do" Segredo Verde "
De: Polícia [Wharf]
* Entregar carta à polícia [TH]
* Fale com AngBeeLan 129,139 [TH]
Recompensa: Exp 80000.
Req: lvl 132, terminou todas as missões do Wharf Police "Retornando a Evidência"
De: AngBeeLan [TH]
* Pesquise 3 tipos de saliva do cão (Cordy, halogênio de congelação, lobisomem) e.
Pena do Corvo Sombrio.
* Reporte ao AngBeeLan dentro de 30 minutos.
Recompensa: Pontos de Perícia 2, 1 ponto de stat.
Notas: Requisito: Imortal [Complete os requisitos / objetivos dentro.
o prazo estabelecido e não morra durante o teste]
Req: lvl 132, completou "O Primeiro Teste" do AngBeeLan
De: AngBeeLan [TH]
* Colete 10 comprimidos de palhaços congelados.
* Reporte ao AngBeeLan dentro de 15 minutos.
Recompensa: Exp 50000, Skill Points 2.
Notas: Requisito: Imortal [Complete os requisitos / objetivos dentro.
o prazo estabelecido e não morra durante o teste]
Req: lvl 132, completou o segundo teste do AngBeeLan.
De: AngBeeLan [TH]
* Elimine 15 Hunk Baldies.
* Reporte ao AngBeeLan dentro de 10 minutos (ela diz 8 haha)
Recompensa: Exp 90000, Rosário Espacial [Nível: 120] [+ 7]
Notas: Requisito: Imortal [Complete os requisitos / objetivos dentro.
o prazo estabelecido e não morra durante o teste]
Req: lvl 140 [requisito para entrar no Middle Hole]
* Elimine o RocknRoll no Middle Hole.
Recompensa: Exp 19000, Atributo 2.
Nota: Esta missão é adquirida antecipadamente (a partir do nível 67)
Req: lvl 140, auto trigerred depois de completar "Report on Prison Escapees" (lvl 130)
* Procure o dono da loja de armas no Middle Hole.
Recompensa: Exp. 12000.
Req: lvl 140, completado "Weapon Shop Owner" da TH Police.
De: Dono da loja de armas [MH]
* Recupere 10 peças de armas [M16] do Machinary Thief.
Recompensa: Exp 26000, Ouro 40000.
Req: lvl 140, capaz de entrar em MH.
* Recupere a chave de Cold Wolf.
* Passe a chave para a enfermeira @ MH.
Recompensa: Space Ring [Nível: 120] [+ 6]
Req: lvl 140, completado "Recuperar Armas Travadas" do Dono da Loja de Armas.
De: Dono da loja de armas [MH]
* Encontre o amigo do WSO em MH loc 100,25.
* Encontre o amigo do WSO em MH loc 97,20.
* Encontre o amigo do WSO na MH loc 85,20.
* Encontre o amigo do WSO em MH loc 84,26.
* Transmitir notícias sobre o paradeiro obtido com o WSO.
Recompensa: Luvas de Aço C lvl [+5]
Req: lvl 140, completado "Look for Friends" do WSO.
De: Dono da loja de armas [MH]
* Verifique a vizinhança da cena do incidente @ 91,29.
* Procure nas proximidades da cena do incidente @ 93,31.
* Reporte à Delegacia de Polícia de TH e relatório da situação do Middle Hole.
Recompensa: Rosário Ósseo [Nível 120] [+ 4]
Req: lvl 140, completado "Verifique se o amigo do dono da loja de armas está ferido"
* Recupere Documentos Confidenciais da Banha.
* Enviar para a polícia TH.
Recompensa: Azrael Rosary [Nível 120] [+ 4]
Req: lvl 140, completada a missão anterior "Weapon Shop Owner" da TH Police.
* Examine a cena do acidente 92,30.
* Realize uma pesquisa em 92,40.
* Realizar pesquisa em 91,62.
Deixe a polícia de TH saber os resultados da investigação.
Recompensa: Red Bead [5], Grinds Box.
Req: lvl 140, completou a missão anterior "Confirmar a Segurança do Middle Hole"
* Recupere 6 peças de reposição nas proximidades dos incêndios em chamas -
Elimine os "Fire" s para obter as peças de reposição.
* Vá para a polícia de TH.
Recompensa: Conjunto de atualização do sintetizador.
Notas: Localização de alguns carros com "Fire" s - 92,30; 89,35; 95,38.
Req: lvl 140, completou "Coletar Documentos Confidenciais" da TH Police.
* Encontre o Image Expert e peça para reparar o Walkie Talkie.
* Encontre peças de reposição necessárias @ TH 98,159.
* Encontre o Image Expert e peça para reparar o Walkie Talkie.
Recompensa: Exp. 12000.
Req: lvl 140, completado "Repair Walkie Talkies" da TH Police.
De: Image Expert [TH]
* Vá para a polícia de TH.
Recompensa: Exp 6000.
* Vá para a prisão e para o terceiro portão.
* Encontre-se com especialista em armas.
Recompensa: Gold 20000, Attribute 5, Poção de Suporte Atualizada.
Notas: Nova busca do EP 3.
* Elimine 1 polícia de choque - ladrão de Machinary (sic).
Recompensa: Exp 16000, Atributo 2.
De: Jail Warden.
* Colete Esfera Espiritual da Alma de Panday Taba.
* Colete talão verde do Ninja Preto.
* Colete o cristal verde do Parak Corrompido.
* Entregar os itens para Wail Warden.
Recompensa: Exp. 34000, Ponto de Habilidade 5, 14 Esferas Espirituais.
* Procure por pistas da criança desaparecida em MH (103,102)
* Procure por outras pistas da criança desaparecida em MH (99,108)
* Procure por mais pistas sobre a criança desaparecida em MH (102,108)
* Relate o status à delegacia comercial do furo do comércio.
Recompensa: Exp 17000, Atributo 2.
De: Jail Warden.
* Procure por pistas novamente.
* Procure mais pistas novamente.
* Procure o suspeito.
* Supervisor de prisão.
Recompensa: Exp 34000, Stat Point 1.
De: Jail Warden.
* Encontre as outras 6 partes da Carta do Prisioneiro Hammerman e.
* Mostre os 6 pedaços para o Warden Wail.
* Passe a carta para a delegacia de troca de buraco comercial.
Recompensa: Pontos de Perícia 2.
5 Resposta a "RAN Online QUEST Guide Level 126 - 150"
Exatamente como você soletra o rótulo do produto químico?
Excelente maneira de descrever e parágrafo agradável para obter dados sobre o meu foco de apresentação, que i.
vou transmitir na faculdade.
Nice respostas em troca desta questão com argumentos sólidos e contando a coisa toda em.
o tópico disso.
Eu tenho 32 em sony tv meu scren são rachaduras quanto uma tela nova.

Ran Online Ph: Guia do Jogo.
Segunda-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2013.
Guia de Quest de Classe Extreme Nível 1- 230.
Notas: A partir do Patch Gunner, você agora é gerado dentro do Campus1F (14,20) na criação do personagem.
Anteriormente, os personagens eram gerados do lado de fora no Campus & amp; teve que usar o portal para entrar no prédio principal do campus 1F.
Pré-requisito: lvl 1 ou autoquest @ lvl 2.
De: Diretor do aluno @ Admin Office [Respetivo Campus1F] (8,0)
Confirme a localização da Information Room @ Grade 1 Information Room terminal & gt; Recuperar Informação.
Confirme a localização da sala de saúde (4,22); Fale com a enfermeira & gt; Confirme a posição.
Entregar o formulário de inscrição para o diretor do aluno (8,0) & gt; Enviar o formulário de inscrição.
Confirme a localização da sala de ciências básicas (22,3) & gt; Recuperar informações (?)
Coletando o Pão do Merchant Merchant (10,3) & gt; & lt; & lt; & gt; Aceite o pedido com urgência (?) | & Lt; PX & gt; & lt; SG & gt; Aceite imediatamente.
Confirmação final do instrutor de espada (18,15) & gt; Autenticação final (?)
Saída de aprovação do diretor do aluno (8,0) & lt; & lt; MP & gt; & lt; PX & gt; Solicitação de aprovação de saída (?) & Lt; SG & gt; Saída de aprovação.
Trigger: Siga as instruções.
Notas: Completar esta missão irá nivelar seu personagem de 1 para 2 devido à recompensa de exp.
Pré-requisito: lvl 1 ou autoquest @ lvl 2.
De: Diretor do aluno @ Admin Office [Respetivo Campus1F] (8,0)
Confirme a localização da sala de saúde (4,22); Fale com a enfermeira & gt; Confirme a posição.
Entregar o formulário de inscrição para o diretor do aluno (8,0) & gt; Enviar o formulário de inscrição.
Coletando o Pão do Merchant Merchant (10,3) & gt; & lt; & lt; & gt; Aceite o pedido com urgência (?) | & Lt; PX & gt; & lt; SG & gt; Aceite imediatamente.
Confirmação final do instrutor Brawler (11,7) & gt; Autenticação final (?)
Saída de aprovação do diretor do aluno (8,0) & lt; & lt; MP & gt; & lt; PX & gt; Solicitação de aprovação de saída (?) & Lt; SG & gt; Saída de aprovação.
Trigger: Siga as instruções.
Notas: Completar esta missão irá nivelar seu personagem de 1 para 2 devido à recompensa de exp.
Pré-requisito: lvl 1 ou autoquest @ lvl 2.
De: Diretor do aluno @ Admin Office [Respetivo Campus1F] (8,0)
Entregar o formulário de inscrição para o diretor do aluno (8,0) & gt; Enviar o formulário de inscrição.
Confirme a localização da sala de conferências (25,20) @ Terminal da sala de informações da 1ª classe & gt; Recuperar informações.
Confirme a localização da sala de saúde (4,22); Fale com a enfermeira & gt; Confirme a posição.
Coletando o Pão do Merchant Merchant (10,3) & gt; & lt; & lt; & gt; Aceite o pedido com urgência (?) | & Lt; PX & gt; & lt; SG & gt; Aceite imediatamente.
Confirmação final do instrutor de tiro com arco (10,15) & gt; & lt; MP & lt; PX & gt; Formulário de aprovação de saída do problema (?) & Lt; SG & gt; Confirmação final.
Saída de aprovação do diretor do aluno (8,0) & lt; & lt; MP & gt; & lt; PX & gt; Solicitação de aprovação de saída (?) & Lt; SG & gt; Saída de aprovação.
Trigger: Siga as instruções.
Notas: Completar esta missão irá nivelar seu personagem de 1 para 2 devido à recompensa de exp.
A partir de EP 7 v 928 (?) Shockwave agora custa 1 ponto de habilidade para adquirir em vez de nenhum se não aprendido desta quest.
Pode visualizar informações sobre a habilidade Shockwave no terminal Information Room.
Pré-requisito: lvl 1 ou autoquest @ lvl 2.
De: Diretor do aluno @ Admin Office [Respetivo Campus1F] (8,0)
Confirme a localização da sala de informações (25,20) @ Terminal da sala de informações da 1ª classe & gt; Recuperar informações.
Confirme a localização da sala de saúde (4,22); Fale com a enfermeira & gt; Confirme a posição.
Entregar o formulário de inscrição para o diretor do aluno (8,0) & gt; Enviar o formulário de inscrição.
Coletando o Pão do Merchant Merchant (10,3) & gt; & lt; & lt; & gt; Aceite o pedido com urgência (?) | & Lt; PX & gt; & lt; SG & gt; Aceite imediatamente.
Confirmação final do instrutor do xamã (18,7) & gt; & lt; MP & gt; Formulário de aprovação de saída do problema (?) | & Lt; PX & gt; & lt; SG & gt; Autenticação final.
Saída de aprovação do diretor do aluno (8,0) & lt; & lt; MP & gt; & lt; PX & gt; Solicitação de aprovação de saída (?) & Lt; SG & gt; Saída de aprovação.
Trigger: Siga as instruções.
Notas: Completar esta missão irá nivelar seu personagem de 1 para 2 devido à recompensa de exp.
Não há pontos de habilidade usados ​​quando a habilidade é aprendida de graça, em vez de consumir 1 ponto de habilidade.
Pode visualizar informações sobre a habilidade de respiração da vida no terminal da sala de informações.
Pré-requisito: lvl 1 ou autoquest @ lvl 2.
De: Diretor do aluno @ Admin Office [Respetivo Campus1F] (8,0)
Trigger: Siga as instruções.
Prereq: lvl 1, completado "Registro do Aluno"
De: Diretor do aluno [Respetivo Campus1F] (8,0)
Obtenha a validação do diretor do aluno & gt; Confirme a ponta do cigarro.
Gatilho: & lt; MP & lt; PX & gt; Exame do diretor (?) | & Lt; SG & gt; Teste do diretor do aluno.
Notas: Você já estará no nível 2 depois de concluir "Registro do Aluno"
Prereq: lvl 1-10, completado "Registro do Aluno"
De: Enfermeira [Respetivo Campus1F] (4,22)
Dê o prontuário médico para enfermeira [Respetivo Campus1F] & gt; Passe os Documentos para Relatório Médico.
Gatilho: Pedido da Enfermeira.
Notas: Esta quest será ignorada se não for tomada entre lvl 1-10.
De: Mercearia [Mercado] (33,25)
Reúna Livros Antigos [30] do Dormitório.
Reporte-se para o Grocer. & gt; Entregue os livros ao Grocer.
Gatilho: Pergunte sobre o novo uniforme. & gt; Eu quero pegar um.
Notas: Pode ser usado por qualquer classe & amp; escola. Descrição da armadura: Uniforme de alta classe.
Prereq: lvl 1, Bail Powder [5/5], Retinum & amp; Agente de Endurecimento.
De: Monisha [Mercado] (30,40)
Gatilho: Misturando 'Dail Powder' para 'Dail Piece'
Recompensa: Peça de Fiança [1/30]
Notas: Retinum & amp; Agente de endurecimento pode ser comprado da Monisha. O Bail Powder pode ser criado a partir de mobs, com chefes tipicamente dando uma taxa de drop mais alta.
Prereq: lvl 1, Ganil Powder [5/5], Retinum & amp; Agente de Endurecimento.
De: Monisha [Mercado] (30,40)
Gatilho: Misturando 'Ganil Powder' para 'Ganil Piece'
Recompensa: Peça Ganil [1/30]
Notas: Retinum & amp; Agente de endurecimento pode ser comprado da Monisha. O Ganil Powder pode ser criado a partir de mobs, com chefes tipicamente dando uma taxa de drop mais alta.
Pré-requisito: lvl 1-100.
De: Ami [pátio de prática] (22,20) [terça-feira 19:00 GMT + 8]
Req: Restrição de Tempo: 1 hora e 10 minutos.
Anuncie o resultado para Ami; Fale com Ami [N-PracticeYard] quando ela aparecer. & gt; Anuncie o resultado.
Gatilho: ajude-a a pedir & gt; Concordar.
Notas: Evento ExtraStage. Pode ENTRAR N-Praticar YARD APENAS DURANTE este evento.
Compre & amp; use o Bilhete Extra do Ônibus Extra (22,16).
AVISO: Extra Citizen aparecerá por APENAS 2 minutos.
Para outros detalhes & amp; dicas, ver VIII. C.1 ExtraStage A | B | C | S Grade.
De: Hue [Zona Maligna] [Sábado, das 15h às 17h (GMT + 8) - 29/03/11]
Notas: Definitivamente não é uma missão, mas um evento gerado pelo sistema. Você pode comprar refinas & amp; caixas aleatórias de NPC Hue.
Entrada para a Zona do Mal requer um cartão de mapa: Cartão de Mapa Especial (1p) | [7D]. A mensagem do sistema indica que a Matiz está na "Zona de Comércio".
Anteriormente, Hue gerou em Practicing Yard.
A partir do Patch Classe Gunner, Hue se transformou em um pássaro "killable" & amp; não vende mais itens (?)
Prereq: (?) Sopa de Bolo de Arroz [30/30]
De: College Representative [Market]
Trigger: Troca para bolsa Lucky & gt; Troca para a bolsa Lucky.
Recompensa: Lucky Pouch.
Notas: Evento do Ano Novo Chinês, para outros detalhes, ver VIII. C. Eventos Especiais Missões / Tarefas.
Sopa de bolo de arroz não está mais disponível a partir de multidões, mas o comércio item ainda funciona atualmente com o representante da faculdade.
Lucky Pouch conteúdo possível: Tiger Costume Box (15D) | Caixa aleatória normal (1st | 2nd) | Caixa aleatória fina (1st | 2nd) | (?)
De: Yuan [Mercado] (30,13) [06/10/2008 - 10/15/2008]
Diga o resultado para Yuan.
Gatilho: Iniciar 'Pegar o Chonggie'
Notas: Dragon Boat Event, para outros detalhes, veja VIII. C. Eventos Especiais Missões / Tarefas.
De: Mimiw (?) [Mercado] [25/05/2009 - 12/07/2009]
A experiência é recompensada pela Mimiw.
Notas:, para outros detalhes, ver VIII. C. Eventos Especiais Missões / Tarefas.
Prereq: (?), Candeeiros Lua Adormecida [20/20] | Cupons para o Vestuário de Couro do Urso da Lua [5/5]
De: College Representative [Market] [22/10/2008 - 11/03/2008]
Gatilho: Para a Lâmpada da Lua: Trocar para as Lâmpadas da Lua & gt; Trocar para as Lâmpadas da Lua.
Para Moon Bear Leather Apparel: Trocar para Moon Lamps & gt; Troca para Cupons para o Moon Bear Leather Apparel.
Trajes de urso da lua.
Notas: Moon Bear Thanksgiving Event, para outros detalhes, ver VIII. C. Eventos Especiais Missões / Tarefas.
Prereq: lvl 2, completado "Registro do Aluno"
De: Diretor do aluno [MP Campus1F] (8,0)
* Coletando Esferas Espirituais [3] de Little Hooligan.
* Otimizar o sistema de campo de força no centro de sala de aula do estudo 2 Terminal & gt; Otimização de campo de força.
Teste o terminal no centro de sala de aula do estudo 1 & gt; Teste o terminal.
* Coletando Esferas Espirituais [8] de Little Bandit.
* Otimizar o sistema de campo de força no centro de sala de aula do estudo 1 Terminal & gt; Otimização de campo de força.
Teste o terminal no Art Center & gt; Teste o terminal.
* Coletando Esferas Espirituais [13] de Bandit.
* Otimize o sistema Force Field no Art Center Terminal & gt; Force Field Optimization.
Teste o terminal na biblioteca & gt; Teste o terminal.
* Coletando Esferas Espirituais [18] do Estudante de Esgrima.
* Otimize o sistema de campo de força no Terminal de Biblioteca & gt; Otimização de campo de força.
Teste o terminal no centro de estudantes 1 & gt; Teste o terminal.
* Coletando Esferas Espirituais [24] de Slasher.
* Otimizar o sistema de campo de força no Centro de Alunos 1 Terminal & gt; Otimização de campo de força.
Autenticação de Campo da Força Final; Fale com o diretor do aluno [MP] & gt; Autenticação de campo de força concluída.
Gatilho: Forçar Autenticação de Campo.
Notas: "O" foi adicionado em algum momento de 2008 (?). Gatilho no Terminal de Biblioteca fixado para Gunners v 932 & lt; & lt; FIXED & gt; & gt;
Prereq: lvl 2, completado "Registro do Aluno"
De: Diretor do aluno [PX Campus1F] (8,0)
* Coletando Esferas Espirituais [2] de Little Hooligan.
* Otimizar o sistema de campo de força no centro principal & gt; Otimização de campo de força.
Teste o terminal no centro de sala de aula do estudo 1 (112,50) & gt; Teste o terminal.
* Coletando Esferas Espirituais [3] de Little Bandit.
* Otimize o sistema de campo de força no! Study Classroom Center 1! & gt; Otimização de campo de força.
Teste o terminal no centro de renovação (134,62) & gt; Teste o terminal.
* Coletando Esferas Espirituais [4] de Bandit.
* Otimizar o Sistema de Campo de Força no Centro de Renovação & gt; Otimização do Campo de Força.
Teste o terminal no Science Center (112,67) & gt; Teste o terminal.
* Coletando Esferas Espirituais [7] de Gangster.
* Otimize o sistema de campo de força no centro de ciência & gt; Otimização de campo de força.
Teste o terminal no centro de prática (109,92) & gt; Teste o terminal.
* Coletando Esferas Espirituais [10] de Slugger.
* Otimizar o sistema de campo de força no centro de prática & gt; Otimização de campo de força.
Teste o terminal no centro de estudantes 1 (119,117) & gt; Teste o terminal (?) | Teste de terminal (?)
* Coletando Esferas Espirituais [13] de Slasher.
* Otimizar o sistema de campo de força no centro de estudantes 1 & gt; Otimização de campo de força.
Teste o terminal na biblioteca (115,141) & gt; Teste o terminal.
* Coletando Esferas Espirituais [15] de Jr. Bruiser.
* Otimizar o sistema de campo de força na biblioteca & gt; Otimização de campo de força.
Teste o terminal na sala de materiais auxiliares (90,138) & gt; Teste o terminal.
* Coletando Esferas Espirituais [18] de Brawler.
* Otimize o sistema de campo de força na sala de suprimentos auxiliares & gt; Otimização de campo de força.
Autenticação de Campo da Força Final; Fale com o diretor do aluno [PX] & gt; Autenticação de campo de força concluída.
Gatilho: Forçar Autenticação de Campo.
Notas: "O" foi adicionado em algum momento de 2008 (?)
Prereq: lvl 2, completado "Registro do Aluno"
De: Diretor do aluno [SG Campus1F] (8,0)
* Coletando Esferas Espirituais [2] de Little Hooligan.
* Otimizar o sistema de campo de força no centro de sala de aula do estudo 1 Terminal & gt; Otimização de campo de força.
Teste o terminal no Dragon Park esquerdo (32,23) & gt; Teste o terminal.
* Coletando Esferas Espirituais [4] de Little Bandit.
* Otimize o sistema de campo de força no Terminal esquerdo do Dragon Park & ​​gt; Otimização de campo de força.
Teste o terminal no centro de sala de aula do estudo 3 (57,30) & gt; Teste o terminal.
* Coletando Esferas Espirituais [8] de Bandit.
* Otimize o sistema de campo de força no Centro de sala de aula do estudo 3 Terminal & gt; Otimização de campo de força.
Teste o terminal no dormitório (45,37) & gt; Teste o terminal.
* Coletando Esferas Espirituais [9] de Gangster.
* Otimize o sistema de campo de força no Terminal Dormitório & gt; Otimização de campo de força.
Teste o terminal na sala da sociedade (78,48) & gt; Teste o terminal.
* Coletando Esferas Espirituais [12] de Slugger.
* Otimize o Sistema de Campo de Força no Terminal da Sala da Sociedade & gt; Otimização de Campo de Força.
Teste o terminal na zona de passeio (78,59) & gt; Teste o terminal.
* Coletando Esferas Espirituais [16] de Slasher.
* Otimize o Sistema de Campo de Força no Terminal da Zona de Caminhada & gt; Otimização do Campo de Força.
Teste o terminal no Science Center (78,69) & gt; Teste o terminal.
* Coletando Esferas Espirituais [20] de Brawler.
Otimize o sistema Force Field no Science Center Terminal & gt; Force Field Optimization.
Autenticação de Campo da Força Final; Fale com o diretor do aluno [SG] & gt; Autenticação de campo de força concluída.
Gatilho: Forçar Autenticação de Campo.
Notas: "O" foi adicionado em algum momento de 2008 (?)
Notas: Recompensa alterada EP 7 v 928 (?) Pão [25] substituído luvas de algodão [+2]
Prereq: lvl 5, completado "Level 5 Achievement"
De: Enfermeira [Respetivo Campus1F] (4,22)
Entregando as pontas de cigarro; Fale com a enfermeira [Respective Campus1F] & gt; Passe as pontas de cigarro.
Gatilho: coletar pontas de cigarro.
Prereq: lvl 5, sem vassoura especial.
De: Diretor do aluno [Respective Campus1F]
Trigger: Limpar o dormitório & gt; Próxima página & gt; Próxima página & gt; Próxima página & gt; Próxima página & gt; Próxima página & gt; Preparar a vassoura [Volume de demanda: 100]
Notas: Descrição especial da vassoura: Uma vassoura especialmente feita para remover o lixo mutante. Retorne ao Locker Guardian após o uso.
Anteriormente "bugged" se "Cleaning the Dormitory" foi adquirido sem fazer esta quest primeiro (usando outra vassoura) & lt; & lt; FIXED & gt; & gt; v 932.
O gatilho final da missão é um pouco diferente, dependendo da escola: & lt; SG & gt; & lt; SG & gt; Preparar vassoura & lt; PX & gt; Preparar a vassoura.
Pré-requisito: Nível 5, Vassoura Especial.
De: Diretor do aluno [Respective Campus1F]
Entregar o lixo ao diretor do aluno [Respetivo Campus1F] & gt; Entregar no lixo.
Gatilho: limpe o dormitório.
Notas: Após a missão inicial, os atributos serão adicionados somente se o valor inicial for negativo. isto é, -1 será +4; 0 e acima permanecerão os mesmos.
Você sempre pode usar suas próprias habilidades (e não a vassoura) para "matar" & amp; obter o lixo.
A missão pode ser duplicada & lt; & lt; BUGGED & gt; & gt ;. Use "Desistir" para "consertar".
Se você precisar completar qualquer outra missão com o SD e este é o único gatilho disponível, coloque sua vassoura em primeiro lugar, assim como instruído.
Pré-requisito: Nível 5, Vassoura Especial.
De: Locker Guard | Custodian Locker [Respetivo Campus1F]
Gatilho: Vassoura de Retorno.
Recompensa: Refine Pill.
De: New Quest Helper [Qualquer Campus]
Req: Restrição de Tempo: 1 hora; Imortal.
A confirmação do resultado do teste com o New Quest Helper em 60 min & gt; Confirmar Eliminar Boss - Chief Hooligan.
Trigger: Quer ganhar mais Skill Points? & gt; Elimine o chefe - Chefe Hooligan.
Notas: Para dicas, veja XIII. E. Novas Dicas de Habilidades de Auxiliares da Quest.
(+) Centro de sala de aula do estudo purificante 1 & lt; SG & gt;
De: autoquest ou Study Classroom Center 2 & lt; MP & gt; (94,50) & lt; PX & gt; | 1 (55,19) & lt; SG & gt; Terminal.
Confirme a Purificação @ Study Classroom Centre 2 & lt; PX & gt; | 1 & lt; SG & gt; Terminal & gt; Confirme a purificação.
Gatilho: & lt; MP & lt; PX & gt; Centro de sala de aula do estudo 2 Purificação | & lt; SG & gt; Centro de sala de aula do estudo 1 Purificação (?)
Notas: Recompensa alterada EP 7 v 928 (?) Gold 2000 substituído Cotton Gloves.
Prereq: lvl 7, # Esferas Espirituais.
De: Instrutor de Espada | Instrutor de Brawler | Instrutor de Tiro com Arco | Instrutor de Xamã | Instrutor de Artilheiro [Respeito Campus1F]
Gatilho: Pergunte sobre # Esfera Espiritual (s) & gt; Aprenda | Troca por.
Observações: Substitua # w / o Nível / Classificação da esfera / habilidade apropriado. As luvas negociadas são NPC-grade & amp; tipo dependerá da habilidade Rank.
Notas: Recompensa alterada EP 7 v 928 (?) Atingir o Nível 11 Gift Box substituído Sports Gloves [+3]
A caixa de presente contém 3 conjuntos de uniforme - um para cada escola.
(+) Purificação do Centro de Aulas de Estudo 1 & lt; PX & gt; |
(+) Centro de Aulas de Estudo de Purificação 2 & lt; SG & gt;
Prereq: lvl 9, completado "Purifying the Study Classroom Center 2" & lt; MP & gt;
De: autoquest ou Study Classroom Center 2 & lt; MP & gt; (68,19) & lt; SG & gt; | 1 (112,50) & lt; PX & gt; Terminal.
Confirme a Purificação @ Study Classroom Center 2 & lt; SG & lt; SG & lt; 1 & lt; PX & gt; Terminal & gt; Confirme a purificação.
Gatilho: & lt; MP & gt; Centro de sala de aula do estudo 2 2ª purificação | & lt; PX & gt; Centro de sala de aula do estudo 1 Purificação | & lt; SG & gt; Centro de sala de aula do estudo 2 Purificação (?)
Notas: Recompensa alterada EP 7 v 928 (?) Gold 3000 substituiu Sports Gloves.
De: autoquest ou NPC @ Campus1F Sala 1-9 (25,9): Sujung & lt; MP & gt; | Tammy & lt; PX & gt; | Jiny & lt; SG & gt;
Entregar a Joon & lt; MP & gt; | Brian & lt; PX & gt; | Zinu & lt; SG & gt; (4,9) & gt; Entregue o formulário de inscrição.
Trigger: (?) Deseja ajudar & gt; Concordar.
Notas: Isso misteriosamente pode ser concluído enquanto mata mobs no Centro de Prática (?)
Prereq: lvl 10, completado "Level 10 Achievement"
Prereq: lvl 10, completed "Eliminar chefe - chefe Hooligan"
De: New Quest Helper [Qualquer Campus]
Req: Restrição de Tempo: 1 hora; Imortal.
A confirmação do resultado do teste com o New Quest Helper com 60 min & gt; Confirmar Eliminar Chefe - Líder de Bandido.
Notas: Para dicas, veja XIII. E. Novas Dicas de Habilidades de Auxiliares da Quest.
De: Mercearia [Mercado] (33,25)
Gatilho: pergunte sobre a mistura de itens.
Pré-requisito: lvl 10-70, Junior of Weapons trocou cartas.
De: Junior Teacher [Market] (28,28)
Trigger: Se você é um & lt; ||| Shaman | & gt ;, pressione aqui.
& gt; Pegue um & lt; ||| stick | & gt; para iniciantes.
Vara de Disciplina Júnior.
52 def: 1 ataque dis: 7 acc: 5 acc: (+ 1) int (+1) EV (+31)> & lt; SHAMAN & gt; |
Notas: NPC adicionado v 928, o cartão Junior of Weapons estará no inventário de um personagem recém-criado.
A arma pode ser atualizada @ lvl 30 & amp; 50 e irá expirar quando você atingir o lvl 70 (?)
Descrição do Cartão: Troca de Armas após atingir o nível 10.
Arma Descrição: Esta armas são outras armas no nível 30 podem ser trocadas.
Notas: Recompensa alterada EP 7 v 928 (?) Small HP Recovery Potion [30] adicionada.
De: Enfermeira [Respetivo Campus1F] (4,22)
Devolva as Ataduras Roubadas à Enfermeira [Respetivo Campus1F] & gt; Passe as Ligaduras.
Gatilho: coletar bandagens.
De: autoquest ou Art Center Terminal [MP]
Confirme a Purificação @ Art Center Terminal & gt; Confirme a Purificação.
Gatilho: Purificação do Centro de Arte (?)
Notas: Recompensa possivelmente alterada EP 7 v 928 (?)
(+) Purificação do Centro de Histórico & lt; SG & gt;
Req: Immortal & lt; SG & gt; SÓ. Não refazível se falhar.
De: autoquest ou Centro de Renovação (134,62) & lt; PX & gt; | Centro Histórico Terminal (66,29) & lt; SG & gt;
Confirme Purification @ Renovation Center & lt; PX & gt; | Centro Histórico & lt; SG & gt; Terminal & gt; Confirme a purificação.
Gatilho: & lt; PX & gt; Purificação do centro de renovação & lt; SG & gt; Purificação do centro de história (?)
Notas: Notas de requisitos do SG incluídas no jogo adicionadas EP 7 v 928 (?).
Recompensa alterada EP 7 v 928 (?) Gold 4000 substituído Spike Stick.
(+) Purificação da Biblioteca & lt; SG & gt;
De: autoquest ou Science Center (112,67) & lt; PX & gt; | Library Terminal (78,31) & lt; SG & gt;
Confirme a Purificação @ Science Center & lt; PX & gt; | Library & lt; SG & gt; Terminal & gt; Confirme a purificação.
Gatilho: & lt; PX & gt; Purificação do Centro de Ciências | & lt; SG & gt; Purificação da Biblioteca (?)
Notas: Recompensa alterada EP 7 v 928 (?) Ouro 5000 substituído Luvas de Treinamento.
Prereq: lvl 13, completado "Purifying the Art Center" & lt; MP & gt;
De: autoquest ou Art Center Terminal [MP]
Confirme a Purificação @ Art Center Terminal & gt; Confirme a Purificação.
42 atk dis: 5 acc: 25 eva: -2> (?)
Gatilho: Art Center 2ª Purificação.
Notas: Recompensa possivelmente alterada EP 7 v 928 (?)
Notas: Recompensa alterada EP 7 v 928 (?) Atingir o Nível 17 Gift Box substituído Sports Gloves [+4]
A caixa de presente contém 3 conjuntos de uniforme - um para cada escola.
De: autoquest ou Library Terminal [MP]
Confirme a Purificação @ Terminal da Biblioteca & gt; Confirme a Purificação.
Gatilho: Purificação da Biblioteca.
Notas: Recompensa alterada EP 7 v 928 (?) Gold 5000 substituído Training Gloves & amp; Punhal XinYue.
De: autoquest ou Terminal do Centro de Prática [PX] (109,92)
Confirme a Purificação @ Terminal do Centro de Práticas & gt; Confirme a Purificação.
Gatilho: Purificação do centro de prática (?)
Notas: Recompensa alterada EP 7 v 928 (?) Gold 5000 substituído Training Gloves & amp; Vara especial.
42 atk dis: 5 acc: 25 eva: -2>
De: autoquest ou Terminal da Sala da Sociedade [SG] (78,48)
Confirme a Purificação @ Terminal da Sala da Sociedade & gt; Confirme a Purificação.
Notas: Recompensa alterada EP 7 v 928 (?) Exp 2800 substituído Exp 2400, Gold 5000 substituído Training Gloves & amp; Vara especial.
42 atk dis: 5 acc: 25 eva: -2>
Prereq: lvl 15, completado "Level 15 Achievement"
Prereq: lvl 15, complete "Eliminar Chefe - Líder de Bandido"
De: New Quest Helper [Qualquer Campus]
Req: Restrição de Tempo: 1 hora; Imortal.
A confirmação do resultado do teste com o New Quest Helper com 60 min & gt; Confirmar Eliminar Boss - Notorious Junkie.
Notas: Para dicas, veja XIII. E. Novas Dicas de Habilidades de Auxiliares da Quest.
De: autoquest ou NPC @ Campus1F Sala 1-9 (25,9): Sujung & lt; MP & gt; | Tammy & lt; PX & gt; | Jiny & lt; SG & gt;
Meet Shaman Instructor [Respetivo Campus1F] & gt; Anuncie a situação para o novo aluno.
Vá para a sala de recursos; Sala de Informação de Aproximação (24,20)
Trigger: Deseja ajudar & gt; Concordar.
(+) Purificação do Laboratório & lt; PX & gt;
Prereq: lvl 18, completado "Purificando a Biblioteca" & lt; MP & gt;
De: autoquest ou Library & lt; MP & gt; | Laboratory & lt; PX & gt; Terminal.
Confirme Purification @ Library & lt; MP & gt; | Laboratory & lt; PX & gt; Terminal & gt; Confirme a purificação.
Gatilho: & lt; MP & gt; Biblioteca 2ª Purificação | & lt; PX & gt; Purificação laboratorial (?)
Prereq: lvl 20, completado "Level 20 Achievement"
Prereq: lvl 20, completado "Eliminate Boss - Notorious Junkie"
De: New Quest Helper [Qualquer Campus]
Req: Restrição de Tempo: 1 hora; Imortal.
A confirmação do resultado do teste com o New Quest Helper com 60 min & gt; Confirmar Eliminar Boss - Master Fencer.
Notas: Para dicas, veja XIII. E. Novas Dicas de Habilidades de Auxiliares da Quest.
De: autoquest ou NPC @ Campus1F Sala 1-2 (4,9): Joon & lt; MP & gt; | Brian & lt; PX & gt; | Zinu & lt; SG & gt;
Conheça o Brawler Instructor & gt; Anuncie a situação para o novo aluno.
Vá para a sala de recursos; Sala de Informação de Aproximação (24,20)
Entregar a Joon & lt; MP & gt; | Brian & lt; PX & gt; | Zinu & lt; SG & gt; & gt; Entregue o novo naipe.
Trigger: Deseja ajudar & gt; Concordar.
De: autoquest ou Library Terminal [MP]
Confirme a Purificação @ Terminal da Biblioteca & gt; Confirme a Purificação.
Gatilho: Purificação do Campo Desportivo.
(+) Purificação da sala de suprimentos auxiliares & lt; PX & gt; |
(+) Limpeza da sala de aula de ciências & lt; SG & gt;
De: autoquest ou Centro de Alunos 1 (MP) (90,138) Centro de Ciências (78,69) & lt; SG & gt; Terminal.
Confirme a Purificação @ Centro de Alunos 1 & lt; MP & gt; | Sala de Materiais Auxiliares & lt; PX & gt; | Centro de Ciências & lt; SG & gt; Terminal & gt; Confirme a purificação.
31 atk dis: 3 acc: 12 eva: 12>
Gatilho: & lt; MP & gt; Centro de estudantes 1 Purificação | & lt; PX & gt; Purificação do centro de notícias & lt; SG & gt; Purificação do centro de ciências (?)
Notas: Anteriormente, uma missão duplicada para o Centro de Alunos 1 (independentemente da escola) era gerada automaticamente (EP 3) & lt; & lt; BUGGED & gt; & gt ;. Fixed for new chars.
(+)Purifying the Auxiliary Supplies Room <PX>
Prereq: lvl 25, completed "Purifying the Students Center 1" <MP>
From: Students Center 1 Terminal <MP>|autoquest or Auxiliary Supplies Room Terminal (90,138)<PX>
Confirm Purification @ Students Center 1 <MP>|Auxiliary Supplies Room Terminal <PX> >Confirm Purification.
Trigger: <MP>Student Center 1 2nd Purification|<PX>Library Purification(?)
Notes: No SG quest equivalent.
Prereq: lvl 25, completed "Eliminate Boss - Master Fencer"
From: New Quest Helper [Any Campus]
Req: Time Restriction: 1 hour; Immortal.
The confirmation of the test result w/ New Quest Helper w/in 60 min >Confirm Eliminate Boss - Brute Mauler.
Notes: For tips, see XIII. E. New Quest Helper Skill Quests Tips.
From: autoquest or Student Director [Respective Campus1F]
Trigger: <MP><PX>From Main Gate(?)|<PX>Preparation for Passing Main Gate(?)|<SG>Request to Pass through the Main Gate.
Notes: Duplicate quest for new chars just after EP 3 patch <<BUGGED>>. Fixed for new chars.
Prereq: lvl 26, completed "Heading outside the Campus"(?)
From: Entrance Terminal [Respective Campus], autoquest after "Heading outside the Campus"
Req: Time Restriction: 40 minutes; Immortal.
Trigger: <MP>Register for an examination to pass through the Main Entrance(?)|<PX><SG>Register for Examination to pass through the Main Entrance.
Prereq: lvl 26, completed "Skill Testing System"
From: Security Guard [Respective Hole]
Delivering the Short Notes to Security Guard [Respective Hole] >Pass the note.
Trigger: Guard's Request.
Prereq: lvl 26, completed "Guard's Request" <MP><SG> só.
From: Security Guard [Respective Hole], autoquest after "Guard's Request" <MP><SG>
The Confirmation of the Medication to Security Guard [Respective Hole] >Verify the Medicine.
Delivering the Medication to Campus Nurse [Respective Campus1F] >Pass the Medicine.
Trigger: Guard's 2nd Request.
Prereq: lvl 26, completed "Guard's Request 2" <MP><SG> só.
From: Nurse [Campus1F], autoquest after "Guard's Request 2" <MP><SG>|Security Guard [Respective Hole] <PX>
Req: Immortal <MP> ONLY. Non-redoable if failed. No requirement for PX & SG.
Delivering the Dagger to Security Guard [Respective Hole] >Pass the <MP>Daggers|<PX>Knives|<SG>Blades.
Trigger: <PX>Guard's 3rd Request.
(+)Purifying the Auxiliary Supplies Room <PX>|
(+)Purifying the Sports Field <SG>
Prereq: lvl 27, completed "Purifying the Students Center 1 " <MP>
From: Students Center 1 Terminal <MP>|autoquest or Auxiliary Supplies Room (90,138)<PX>|Science Center (78,69)<SG> Terminal.
Confirm Purification @ Students Center 1 <MP>|Auxiliary Supplies Room <PX>|Science Center <SG> Terminal >Confirm Purification.
50 atk dis:7 acc:25 eva:-5>
Trigger: <MP>Main Gate Purification|<PX>Main Entrance Purification|<SG>Sports Field Purification(?)
Please visit Grocer to get your Oblivion Potion F [Market] (33,25) >Tell the result.
Notes: This Obli will reset.
20 stat & all skill points for lvl 30-50 ONLY. It can be sold to an NPC if not needed (0 gold).
myRosso reward is Emer. Locker Link Card (7D)(?)
Prereq: lvl 30, completed "Eliminate Boss - Brute Mauler"
From: New Quest Helper [Any Campus]
Req: Time Restriction: 1 hour; Immortal.
The confirmation of the test result w/ New Quest Helper w/in 60 min >Confirm Eliminate Boss - Bruiser.
Notes: For tips, see XIII. E. New Quest Helper Skill Quests Tips.
From: New Quest Helper [Any Campus]
Check the items to New Quest Helper >Finish Oblivion E.
Trigger: Start Oblivion E.
Notes: This Obli E has no level restriction.
From: Grocer [Market] (33,25)
Report back to Grocer. >I want to use the taxi service.
Trigger: The Taxi System.
Notes: Use a Taxi Card to teleport for a small fee (Gold min 8000) to an NPC by right-clicking the card.
You can exchange a batch of 10 Old Books for a Taxi Card on quest completion.
Prereq: lvl 30, Old Books [10/10], completed "School Service"
Trigger: Get a taxi card.
Reward: Taxi Card [1/5]
Notes: Old Books can be farmed from any Dormitory.
From: Bus Driver [Respective Hole]
Deliver Component to Bus Driver [Respective Hole] ><MP>Passing the Spare Parts|<PX>Present the Spare Parts|<SG>Give the Spare Parts.
Trigger: Bus Driver's Request.
Notes: You can use normal Bus Stops @ any time. Those are different from the Bus Info Terminals.
Prereq: lvl 33, completed "Bus Driver's Request"
From: Bus Driver [Respective Hole]
Trigger: Bus Driver's 2nd Request.
Notes: Old quest name "Bus Driver's 2nd Request"
Prereq: lvl 33, completed "Bus Driver's Request 2"
From: Construction Supervisor [Respective Hole], autoquest after "Bus Driver's Request 2"
Searching for the Generator Parts [1] from Marionette <MP>|Cement Fatty <PX> |Fatty Bom-Bom <SG>
Delivering the Generator Parts to Construction Supervisor [Respective Hole] ><MP><PX>Pass the Spare Parts|<SG>Passing the Spare Parts.
Trigger: Construction Supervisor's Request.
Notes: PX Quest text mentions 2 Generator Parts <<TYPO>>. Just collect 1, as shown in ongoing tasks.
Quest drop rate is low, just be patient.
From: Cleaner [MP]
Delivering the Empty Bottles to Cleaner [MP] >Delivering the Recycled Trash.
Trigger: Listen to the Cleaner's advice.
Notes: Can trade 20 Empty Bottles w/ Cleaner [MP] for a Synthesizer Upgrade Set @ any time after the completion of this quest.
From: Cleaner [PX]
Delivering the Empty Bottles to Cleaner [PX] >Delivering Recycled Trash(?)
Trigger: Listen to the Cleaner's advice.
Notes: Can trade 20 Empty Bottles w/ Cleaner [PX] for a Synthesizer Upgrade Set @ any time after the completion of this quest.
From: Cleaner [SG]
Delivering the Empty Bottles to Cleaner [SG] >Delivering Recycled Trash.
Trigger: Listen to the Cleaner's advice.
Notes: Can trade 20 Empty Bottles w/ Cleaner [SG] for a Synthesizer Upgrade Set @ any time after the completion of this quest.
Prereq: lvl 33, Empty Bottle [20/20], completed respective "Cleaner's Request"
From: Cleaner [Respective Hole]
Trigger: Deliver Recycled Trash.
Reward: Synthesizer Upgrade Set.
Notes: Empty Bottles (NOT Broken Empty Bottles) can be farmed from mobs in SG Hole (Chicken, Stray Dog, Clown, SGD etc.) & TH.
The Trading Hole Cleaner [TH] will NOT give the Synthesizer Upgrade Set.
Prereq: lvl 66, Empty Bottle [20/20](?)
From: Cleaner [TH]
Reward: Synthesized Recovery Potion [1]
Notes: myRosso's FAQ indicates that you can go to Campus1F to trade the pot for the Upgrade Set. I've never tried it, tho.
Prereq: lvl 33, Red bead [5/5], completed "Cleaner's Request" [SG](?)
From: Cleaner [SG Hole]
Trigger: Exchange a Red Pearl(?)
>Exchange Burr|Protective Potion|Fine Burr|Deluxe Protective Potion|
Bone Powder|Deluxe Bone Powder|Iron|Fine Iron|Silver|Fine Silver|Crystal|Fine Crystal|Fine Sodium.
>Exchange a Blue Pearl with a Green Pearl(?)
Reward: Any 1 of the following: (Fine) Burr|(Luxury) Protection Potion|(Opulent) Bone Powder|(Fine) Iron|(Fine) Crystal|(Fine) Sodium|(Fine) Silver|Green Bead.
Notes: Red beads are only available as quest rewards or from GM Ran Sales.
Prereq: lvl 33, Green Bead [5/5], completed "Cleaner's Request" [SG](?)
From: Cleaner [SG Hole]
Trigger: Exchange a Green Pearl for a Red Pearl(?)
Reward: Green Crystal.
Notes: NO function YET of Green Crystal [5/5]
Prereq: lvl 35, completed "Eliminate Boss - Bruiser"
From: New Quest Helper [Any Campus]
Req: Time Restriction: 1 hour; Immortal.
The confirmation of the test result w/ New Quest Helper w/in 60 min >Confirm Eliminate Boss - Furious Chef.
Notes: For tips, see XIII. E. New Quest Helper Skill Quests Tips.
From: autoquest or Grocer.
Report back to Grocer. >Report the results.
Trigger: The Top Student.
From: autoquest or Construction Supervisor.
Trigger: Physics Teacher's Call(?)
Notes: Previously manually acquired from Construction Supervisor, making this quest "skippable".
If this was skipped, you can try & check if the quest is available from the Construction Supervisor after every 39 levels in Ch 0.
For Phoenix Students, there's a typo in the dialogue - the Physics Teacher is found in the Phoenix Hole not in Phoenix Square <<TYPO>>.
At the completion of this quest, the next quest (w/ time limit) "The Physics Teacher's Test" will be autogenerated.
Became an autoquest sometime EP 3 (possibly to prevent skipping this quest if "The Physics Teacher's Test" quest was already completed).
"The" was added sometime 2008(?).
Prereq quest "Construction Supervisor's Request" from the Construction Supervisor removed EP 7 Gunner Patch(?).
SG triggers have periods (E. g. Check on the shouting.)
Prereq: lvl 39, completed "The Physics Teacher's Call"
From: Physics Teacher [Respective Hole], autoquest after "The Physics Teacher's Call"
Req: Time Restriction: 40 minutes; Immortal.
The Confirmation of the Test Result; Talk to Physics Teacher [Respective Hole] w/in 40 minutes >Verify the Examination result.
Trigger: Apply for the Examination.
Notes: "The" was added sometime 2008(?).
SG triggers have periods (E. g. Verify the Examination result.)
Prereq: lvl 39, completed "The Physics Teacher's Test"
From: Physics Teacher(MP), autoquest after "The Physics Teacher's Test"
Delivering the Unverified Currency Notes to the Student Director [MP] >Submit Unverified Notes(?)
Proceed to the Phoenix Campus; Talk to the Student Director [PX] >Request for Suggestion Form(?)
Restoring the Computer Room; Talk to the Student Director [SG] >Accept Backup Disk.
Sending the Backup Disk; Talk to the Student Director [PX] >Backup Disk Transfer.
Delivering the Prospectus to the Student Director [MP] >Submit Prospectus(?)
Trigger: Accept order (Currency Notes Verification)
Notes: Use the Bus Stop @ the Market (or CRC) & access the Campuses thru the buggies.
Prereq: lvl 39, completed "The Physics Teacher's Test"
From: Physics Teacher(Phoenix), autoquest after "The Physics Teacher's Test"
Delivering the Unverified Currency Notes to the Student Director [PX] >Submit Unverified Notes(?)
Proceed to the Sacred Gate Campus; Talk to the Student Director [SG] >Request for Prospectus(?)
Restoring the Computer Room; Talk to the Student Director [MP] >Accept Backup Disk.
Sending the Backup Disk; Talk to the Student Director [SG] >Backup Disk Transfer.
Delivering the Prospectus to the Student Director [PX] >Submit Prospectus(?)
Trigger: Accept order (Currency Notes Verification)
Notes: Use the Bus Stop @ the Market (or CRC) & access the Campuses thru the buggies.
For MP students, this was autogenerated after "The Physics Teacher's Test" <<BUGGED>>. This is fixed w/ new chars.
Prereq: lvl 39, completed "The Physics Teacher's Test"
From: Physics Teacher(SG), autoquest after "The Physics Teacher's Test"
Delivering the Unverified Currency Notes to the Student Director [SG] >Submit Unverified Currency Notes.
Proceed to the Mystic Peak Campus; Talk to the Student Director [MP] >Submit Unverified Currency Notes.
Restoring the Computer Room; Talk to the Student Director [PX] >Accept Backup Disk.
Sending the Backup Disk; Talk to the Student Director [MP] >Backup Disk Transfer.
Delivering the Prospectus to the Student Director [SG] >Submit Prospectus.
Trigger: Accept order (Currency Notes Verification)
Notes: Use the Bus Stop @ the Market (or CRC) & access the Campuses thru the buggies.
Prereq: lvl 39, completed "Unverified Currency Notes"
From: Student Director [Respective Campus1F]; autoquest after "Unverified Currency Notes"
Deliver the Order Books to the Technical Teacher [Respective Hole] >Pass the Order Document.
Deliver the Order Books to the Physics Teacher [Respective Hole] >Pass the Order Document.
Trigger: Issue Orders Memo(?)
Notes: Use the Bus Stops or the Taxi Card to make life easier.
Prereq: lvl 39, completed "Unverified Currency Notes"
From: Physics Teacher [Respective Hole]
The Verification of the Map pieces; Talk to Physics Teacher [Respective Hole] >Confirmation of Pieces of Map.
Combining the pieces of Map; Talk to Student Director [SG] >Recovery Instruction.
Proceed to the Leonair Campus; Talk to Special Agent @ SG Hole >Leonair Campus Authentication.
Trigger: Ask about the location of Leonair Campus.
Notes: Prereq quest changed from "Issue the Order Books" EP 7 Gunner Patch(?)
From: autoquest or Grocer.
Report back to Grocer. >Report the results.
Trigger: Campus Event I.
Prereq: lvl 40, completed "Eliminate Boss - Furious Chef"
From: New Quest Helper [Any Campus]
Req: Time Restriction: 1 hour; Immortal.
The confirmation of the test result w/ New Quest Helper w/in 60 min >Confirm Eliminate Boss - Welding Master.
Notes: For tips, see XIII. E. New Quest Helper Skill Quests Tips.
Prereq: lvl 41, completed "Unverified Currency Notes"
From: Student Director [Respective Campus1F]
Delivering the Currency Notes to Student Director [Respective Campus1F] >Pass the Unverified Currency Notes.
Trigger: Notes Recycle.
Notes: No longer repeatable after EP 3 Rebirth patch.
From: autoquest or Grocer.
Report back to Grocer. >Report the results.
Trigger: Campus Event II.
Prereq: lvl 43 <SG>
See "Technical Teacher's Test" <MP><PX> Prereq: lvl 46.
Notes: Quest name.
From: autoquest or Grocer.
Defeat 10 Sanitizers.
Report back to Grocer. >Report the results.
Trigger: Campus Event III.
Notes: Rewarded necklace is similar to a 5-day resurrection rosary sans the +exp bonus/soul retriever ball.
Room 1-8 (24,13)<BRAWLER>
Searching for the Report Card from respective Campus1F; Room 1-2 (5,10)<SWORDIE>|
Searching for the Report Card from respective Campus1F; Room 1-3 (5,11)<SWORDIE>|
Room 1-10 (24,7)<BRAWLER>
The Test Server; Approach Test Server terminal @ Admin Office (4,1)
Notes: Former missing quest for MP <<FIXED>>. Lvl 55 autoquest for <ARCHER><SHAMAN>
Prereq: lvl 45, completed "Eliminate Boss - Welding Master"
From: New Quest Helper [Any Campus]
Req: Time Restriction: 1 hour; Immortal.
The confirmation of the test result w/ New Quest Helper w/in 60 min >Confirm Eliminate Boss - Obasan.
Notes: For tips, see XIII. E. New Quest Helper Skill Quests Tips.
(+)Test by the Technical Teacher <SG>
From: Technical Teacher [Respective Hole]
Req: Time Restriction: see details; Immortal.
<MP>Eliminate Chicken [15] w/in 40 minutes.
<PX>Eliminate Blood Hunger [20] w/in 40 minutes.
<SG>Eliminate Uncle Potato [20] w/in 20 minutes.
The Confirmation of the Test Result w/ Technical Teacher [Respective Hole] >Confirm Test Result.
Trigger: Technical Teacher's Test.
From: Nurse [Respective Hole]
Delivering the Medication to Nurse [Respective Hole] >Pass the Medicine.
Trigger: Nurse's Request.
From: Nurse (Ring) [SG Ring]
Delivering the Medication to Physics Teacher(Phoenix) >Pass the Medicine.
Delivering the Proposal to Nurse (Ring) [SG Ring] >Give a proposal document.
Trigger: Sacred Gate Ring Nurse's Request.
Obtain the decoder. [1] from Shocker [PX Campus]
Obtain the decoder. >Give the decoder to Monisha.
Deliver the Design. To Grocer >Show the design.
Trigger: Ask what's bothering him.
Prereq: 46, Recommendation Letter (Grocer)
From: Monisha [Market] (30,40)
Trigger: Show the recommendation letter to Monisha.
>Weapon for brawler.|Weapon for swordsman.|Weapons for archer.|Weapon for shaman.|(?)
44 atk dis:75 acc:18 eva:2 SP U:1 dex:80 atk(+3) atk rv:+2.62%> <ARCHER>
27 atk dis:80 acc:10 eva:-4 int:109 EV:(+86) atk rv:-0.33%> <ARCHER>|
49 def:2 atk dis:7 acc:7 eva:-2 atk:(+2) EV:(+41) atk rv:+4.36%> <SHAMAN>
Notes: Weapon Random Values will be, well, random (atk rv, Decrease SP Usage etc.). Weapon rewards above are just samples.
W/ texture font set to OFF, brawler & swordie triggers for weapon type will have unconverted special characters instead of the left|right double quotes for Dex and Int.
From: Nurse [SG Hole] (71,9)
Notes: Nurse is @ SG Hole parking bay, not SG Ring.
From: Monisha [Market] (30,40)
Report back to Monisha. >Give the ring design to Monisha.
Trigger: Ask about the ring.
Notes: Ring description: Can sell to npc.
Prereq: lvl 50, completed "Eliminate Boss - Obasan"
From: New Quest Helper [Any Campus]
Req: Time Restriction: 1 hour; Immortal.
The confirmation of the test result w/ New Quest Helper w/in 60 min >Confirm Eliminate Boss - Sanitizer Master.
Notes: For tips, see XIII. E. New Quest Helper Skill Quests Tips.
Eliminating Drunkard [8]
Report to the Guard; Approach Security Guard @:
<PX> Phoenix Hole (66,21)
Notes: Previously SG-only quest. It was bugged then anyway.
(+)Eliminate the Car Engineer <PX>|
(+)Eliminate the Freezing Halogen <SG>
From: Physics Teacher [Respective Hole]
The Confirmation of the Test Result w/ Physics Teacher [Respective Hole] >Report results.
Trigger: <MP>Accept order (Eliminate Hell Scissors)|<PX>Accept order (Purify Junk Car Yard)|<SG>Accept order [Defeat Freezing Halogen]
Searching for the Report Card from respective Campus1F; Approach Room 1-7 (25,16)<ARCHER>|
The Test Server; Approach Test Server terminal @ Admin Office (4,1)
Notes: Former missing quest for MP <<FIXED>>. Lvl 45 autoquest for <SWORDIE><BRAWLER>
Prereq: lvl 55, completed "Eliminate Boss - Sanitizer Master"
From: New Quest Helper [Any Campus]
Req: Time Restriction: 1 hour; Immortal.
The confirmation of the test result w/ New Quest Helper w/in 60 min >Confirm Eliminate Boss - Blood Robber.
Notes: For tips, see XIII. E. New Quest Helper Skill Quests Tips.
Prereq: lvl (?), Killed appropriate boss(?)
From: New Quest Helper [Any Campus]
[1/23] Confirm Eliminate Boss -
[2/23] Confirm Eliminate Boss -
[3/23] Confirm Eliminate Boss -
[4/23] Confirm Eliminate Boss -
[5/23] Confirm Eliminate Boss -
[6/23] Confirm Eliminate Boss -
[7/23] Confirm Eliminate Boss -
[8/23] Confirm Eliminate Boss -
[9/23] Confirm Eliminate Boss -
[10/23] Confirm Eliminate Boss -
[11/23] Confirm Eliminate Boss -
[12/23] Confirm Eliminate Boss - Guard Captain.
[13/23] Confirm Eliminate Boss - Joker.
[14/23] Confirm Eliminate Boss -
[15/23] Confirm Eliminate Boss -
[16/23] Confirm Eliminate Boss -
[17/23] Confirm Eliminate Boss - Ethereal Fist.
[18/23] Confirm Eliminate Boss - Dark Swordsman.
[19/23] Confirm Eliminate Boss -
[20/23] Confirm Eliminate Boss -
[21/23] Confirm Eliminate Boss -
[22/23] Confirm Eliminate Boss -
[23/23] Confirm Eliminate Boss - Dark Swordsman Jr.
Notes: There are no formal quests given & these are bugged.
Report back to Grocer. >Report the results.
Leonine Elite Uniform(Shoes)
Trigger: Campus Event IV.
Notes: Can be worn by any class & school. Armor description: Leonine high school student uniform.
Report back to Monisha. >Give the necklace design to Monisha. >Sure. Não tenha pressa.
Trigger: I need a necklace.
From: Physics Teacher(SG)
The Confirmation of the Test Result w/ Physics Teacher(SG) >Report results.
Trigger: Accept order [Eliminate Bombs]
From: Special Agent [SG Hole]
Req: Time Restriction: 40 minutes; Immortal.
The Confirmation of the Test Result w/ Special Agent w/in 40 min >Examination result confirmed.
Trigger: Wish to get inside Leonair Campus.
Notes: Refine pills used to clear elemental effects (like paralysis from elec of SGD) can be bought from the Nurse (Ring). The Agent does NOT stock Refine Pills.
Prereq: lvl 63, completed "Special Agent's Test"
From: Special Agent, autoquest after "Special Agent's Test"
Collecting the Bandages [20] from Mummy.
Delivering the Bandages to Special Agent >Pass the bandages.
Trigger: Special Agent's Request.
From: Physics Teacher(SG)
The Confirmation of the Test result w/ Physics Teacher(SG) >Report results.
Trigger: Accept order (Purify Park)
From: Cleaner [SG Hole]
Trigger: (?)Ask about Freezing Halogen.
From: Police [SG Hole]
Req: Time Restriction: 40 minutes; Immortal.
WARNING: Can ENTER SG HolePassage ONLY DURING this quest. You canNOT go back to the map once this quest is COMPLETED.
Trigger: Pass through the Tunnel.
Notes: To get thru this w/o much fighting, just WALK 'til near the end of the map (where you can see the Corrupted Hound).
Avoid the Vengeful Girl, go to serverlist (or sp|crc/bp combo) & then take out the Hound.
Watch out for the Freezing Gas (causes ice damage, duh) & you can "heal" yourself using the Restoration Gas similarly scattered thru out.
From: Hotdog Hawker [TH]
Delivering the Ingredients to Hotdog Hawker >Pass the food ingredients.
Trigger: Ask about what's the problem >Accept Request.
From: Prison corpse [TH]
Trigger: Confirm >Pass the Stone to the Police.
Notes: "Reward for Prison Escapees" (completion: lvl 140) is autotriggered after this quest.
"Sacred Financial Group Private Jail" (completion: lvl 130) may also be triggered @ this point.
Looks like the triggers are inverted <<TYPO>>
Prereq: lvl 66, completed "File Report On Found Objects", acquired "Sacred Financial Group Private Jail" from Police [TH]
From: Prison corpse [TH]
Trigger: Confirmation of Shirt >Confirm Tunnel.
Notes: This quest is completed w/o proceeding to the Prison proper.
Walk to avoid being chased by the Hell Hounds & unequip your weapon midway to avoid being shot by Red/Black Ninja.
From: Cleaner [TH]
Surrender the Golf Clubs to Cleaner [TH] >Pass the Golf Stick.
Trigger: Ask whether everything is alright. >Accept Request.
Notes: Previous requirement pre-EP 6-1: lvl 101, completed previous quest from Cleaner "Returning the Trash"
Defeat Skating Boys [3]
Collecting the materials [5] from Got Milk.
Report back to Monisha >Give the materials to Monisha.
Trigger: Ask about the weapon research.
Prereq: 70, Weapon Voucher I.
From: Monisha [Market]
Trigger: I need a new weapon.
50 atk dis:5 acc:13 eva:-7 SP U:3 int:203 EV(+77) Inc Max Atk rate:0.20% atk rv:-3.75%> <SWORDIE>|
Notes: Weapon Random Values will be, well, random (atk rv, Decrease SP Usage etc.). Weapon rewards above are just samples.
W/ texture font set to OFF, triggers for weapon type will have unconverted special characters instead of the left|right double quotes.
Prereq: lvl 71, completed "Special Agent's Test"
From: Special Agent.
Delivering the Leaves to Special Agent >Special Agent's Confirmation.
Trigger: Investigate Leonair Campus.
The Lessons of the Brawler Agent|
The Lessons of the Archery Agent|
The Lessons of the Shaman Agent|
The Lessons of the Gunner Agent(?)
From: Respective Class <Sword|Brawler|Archery|Shaman|Gunner(?)> Agent [TH]
Searching for the.
<SWORDIE>Police Station (121,89)(121,90)(?)
<ARCHER>Book Store (118,105)
Searching for the.
<SWORDIE>Convenience Shop (119,113)
<ARCHER>Tunnel #4 (133,117)
Searching for the.
<SWORDIE>Tunnel No.4 (133,117)
<ARCHER>Combination Sports Center (96,143)
Searching for the Buried Items.
Delivering the Space and Time Capsule to Sword|Brawler|Archery|Shaman|Gunner Agent >Pass the Time Capsule.
Trigger: Attend Class.
Notes: There is a typo for the final GPS location for Swordsmen. Instead of (116,170) go to (105,165)
From: Respective Class <Sword|Brawler|Archery|Shaman|Gunner(?)> Agent [TH]
Trigger: Accept instruction(?)
Delivering the Letter to Police [TH] >Pass the letter.
Searching for the Pieces of the Letter [6] from Skating Master.
Delivering the pieces of the Letter to Police [TH] >Pass the Letter Fragment(?)
Trigger: Listen to Request.
Prereq: lvl 75, completed "Investigate the Leonair Campus"
From: Special Agent.
Trigger: Investigate Leonair Main Centre.
Notes: Find Banshee @ entrance of Main Campus Center to obtain the quest for entry to Leo 1F. The Student Director [Leo] is in Leo 1F (8,0)
Prereq: lvl 75, completed ""(?)
From: Banshee [Leo]
Delivering the Encyclopedia to Spirit >Give the Book.
Spirit's Request 2; Collect Feathers [8] from Shadow Crow.
Delivering the Feathers to Spirit >Give the Feather.
Trigger: Ask about the Request.
From: Mr. No-Name [Leo 1F] (4,4)
Delivering the Food to Mr. No-Name >Pass the food.
Trigger: Ask about what's the matter >Accept Request.
From: Zopar [Leo 2F]
Delivering the Towel to Zopar >Pass the towel.
Zopar's Request 2; Find the glove @ Welfare Society [Leo 1F] (10,3)
Delivering the Gloves to Zopar & get Red bead >Pass the glove.
Talk to the Leonair Student Director to pass the Red Bead >Take out the crystal(?)
Approach 8,0 [Student Director Leo 1F]
Trigger: Ask about is help needed.
Notes: The last chat option to Pass the bead to the SD has gibberish text below it <<TYPO>>.
Prereq: lvl 75, completed "Investigate the Leonair Campus Main Center"
From: Student Director [Leo]
The Teacher's Request: Collect food [2] from Boney.
Exchanging the Food for the key from Technical Teacher(Leonaire) >Pass things to eat.
Delivering the Key to Student Director [Leo] >Return the key.
Recovering the Key; Talk to Zopar @ Leo 2F >Request for key repair.
Getting the Videotape from Leo Student Director; >Retrieve the cassette.
Trigger: Request for information.
Prereq: lvl 75, completed "Recover the Videotape"
From: Student Director [Leo]
>Pass the Cassette.
Trigger: Ask about the Cassette.
Notes: There are 2 chat options to Pass the Cassette, the 1st will trade the cassette for the Red bead, the 2nd for the Burr.
Prereq: lvl 75, completed "Transmitting the Videotape", submitted Surveillance Recorder [Leonair Campus] to Special Agent.
From: Special Agent.
Trigger: Ask about the damaged Cassette.
Notes: You may take the Bus Stop @ SG T-junction & debark @ TH>Police Station.
Prereq: lvl 75, completed "Videotape Recovery"
From: Image Expert [TH]
The Special Agent of the Sacred Financial Group; Talk to Special Agent >Ask about spore allergy.
Enhanced Fighter Coat [C], Enhanced Fighter Pants [C] <BRAWLER>|
Enhanced Hunter Coat [C] , Enhanced Hunter Pants [C] <ARCHER>|
Enhanced Mage Cloth [C] , Enhanced Mage Pants [C] <SHAMAN>|
B-Class Improved Research Suit(Enhanced) , B-Class Improved Research Pants(Enhanced) <GUNNER>
Trigger: Accept Request.
Notes: You may take the Bus Stop @ TH>Police Station & debark @ SG T-junction. Shammy Leggings & Hunter Skirt renamed to Pants(?).
Gunner armor does not have resistance [+9](?). Missing trigger fixed EP 7 v 926/928 <<FIXED>>
Prereq: lvl 75, completed "Image Expert's Request"
From: Special Agent.
Trigger: Ask about Special ID card.
Notes: You may use the bus @ SG T-junction & select Campus Square>Entrance to take you to the Market (Or CRC). Take the SG Buggy to get to the Campus [SG].
Prereq: lvl 75, completed "Obtain the Leonair College ID Card"
From: Student Director [SG]
The Secret Code; Talk to Student Director [Leo] >Ask about the code to Basement level 2(?)
Searching for the Secret Code; Get the Memo [1] from IronMan 28 [Leo 3F]
Proceed to the Basement 2; Activate the Elevator >Enter Password.
Trigger: ID Card Confirmation.
Notes: Use the bus in the market & select SG Hole>Sacred Gate T-junction or Taxi to Banshee. The entrance to B3 (18,22) is @ the far end corner of B2.
You Can ENTER B3 @ lvl 100.
Prereq: lvl 75, completed "The Basement 2 of Leonair Campus"
From: Elevator [Leo 3F]
Cleaning the Basement 2:
Gather some Spores from the Trapper Plant; Get Spore [1]
Eliminate Trapper Plant [1]
Making the Medication; Talk to the Nurse (Ring) [SG Ring] >Show Spores.
Trigger: Read Information.
Notes: You may exit to B3 @ level 100 (18,22)
There's a little alcove @ 12,7 where you can hide from aggressives & target 1 TP. As w/ other retrieval quests, it may take more than 1 Plant to get spores.
Don't forget to complete the first objective before heading out to the Trapper Plant(s).
Old pre EP 6-3 Trigger: Carry on dialogue.
Prereq: lvl 75, completed "Cleaning the Spores"
From: Nurse (Ring) [SG Ring]
Delivering the Ingredients to Nurse (Ring) [SG Ring] >Pass Medicine Materials(?) >Wait.
Delivering the Ingredients to Image Expert >Pass the treatment medication(?)
Trigger: Request to produce Antibiotic.
Notes: Text to trade w/ the Nurse (Ring) (Pass Medicine Materials) & to submit the quest (Trade Items) were inverted <<FIXED>>
Can view Petrification & Confusion Abnormal Status.
Prereq: lvl 75, completed "Producing the Medications for the Allergy"
From: Image Expert.
Delivering the Video Player to Image Expert >Pass the equipment >Wait.
Sending the Videotape to Student Director [Respective Campus1F] >Leonair College Transfer Cassette(?)
Bring the Tape to the Special Agent for investigation >Pass the Surveillance Record.(?)
Trigger: Request for cassette recovery again.
Prereq: lvl 75, completed "The Videotape Recovery"
From: Special Agent.
Trigger: Accept order.
From: Master Zheng.
Delivering the Book to Master Zheng >Pass the Books(?)
Enhanced Fighter Coat [+2], Enhanced Fighter Pants [+2] <BRAWLER>|
Enhanced Hunter Coat [+2], Enhanced Hunter Pants [+2] <ARCHER>|
Enhanced Mage Cloth [+2], Enhanced Mage Pants [+2] <SHAMAN>|
A-Class Improved Research Suit(Enhanced)[+2] , A-Class Improved Research Pants(Enhanced)[+2] <GUNNER>
Trigger: Ask about what happen >Next Page> Accept Request(?)
Notes: Prereq "Recycling the Letter" removed EP 7(?)
Prereq: lvl 78, completed "Training Order"
Visit the Cleaner [TH] >Ask about the lost children.
Visit the Hotdog Hawker & ask for news about the lost children.
Sending the Proposal to the Police [TH] >Pass the Prospectus(?)
Getting the Back Up Disk from Student Director [MP] >Request to recover diskette(?)
Delivering the Back Up Disk to the Police [TH] >Pass the rescue disk(?)
Investigating the Loose Halogen [1]
Delivering the Recovered Things to the Police [TH] >Pass Goods from Mad Dog(?)
Trigger: Received Request.
Prereq: lvl 78, completed "The Police's Request"
From: Police [TH], autoquest after "The Police's Request"
Visit the Technical Teacher(SG) >Ask about the Experiment Object.
Visit the Physics Teacher(SG) >Ask about the Experiment Object.
Back to the Trading Hole Police Station >Ask about Specimen(?)
Trigger: Volunteer Investigate(?)
Report back to Monisha. >Give the string to Monisha.
Trigger: I need a better ring.
Notes: Ring description: Can sell to npc.
Report back to Monisha. >Give the letter to Monisha.
Trigger: What's bothering you? >Help Monisha.
Prereq: lvl 79, completed "Searching for the lost friend"
Trigger: Do you need anything else? >Consider it done.
Prereq: lvl 79, completed "Monisha's Request"
Go to SG Hole and look for the Police stationed at the Trading Passage >Ask about Young Girl.
Go to trading hole and look for the Sword Agent. >Ask about special traveler.(?)
Go to Trading4Passage. Talk to Siu Er (65,65) >Pass the item.
Trigger: Ask about the current situation. >Ask about the girl. >Sure thing.
From: autoquest(?) or Cleaner [TH]
Delivering the Trash to Cleaner [TH] >Pass the recyclable rubbish.
Trigger: Ask for directions. >Mention about collecting recycled resources(?)
Trigger on repeat: Volunteer to collect the rubbish.
Prereq: lvl 80, completed "The Mysterious Girl"
From: Siu Er [T4Passage] (65,65)
Report back to Siu Er. >Inform Siu Er about Glamour Killer.
Trigger: Ask about the situation >Offer Assistance.
Prereq: lvl 80, completed "The Spy"
Defeat Mad Glamour Killer [1]
Report back to Siu Er. >Give her Lucian's Command Book.
Trigger: Ask about Mr. No-Name(?) >Find Lucian.
Prereq: lvl 80, completed "Finding Lucian's Location"
From: Siu Er, autoquest after "Finding Lucian's Location"
Report back to Siu Er. >Give her Lucian's Notebook.
Prereq: lvl 80, completed "The Truth"
Trigger: Need Help? >Ask where they are. >Offer Assistance >Ready.
Notes: You will be automatically teleported to WharfPassage (57,98) on quest trigger.
Prereq: lvl 80, completed "The Current Situation"
From: Yun [Wharf] (53,99)
Defeat 5 Storage Guards.
Report back to Yun. >I have defeated them.
Trigger: Need Help? >Accept(?)
Prereq: lvl 83, completed "The Stolen Book"
From: Master Zheng.
Delivering the Book to Master Zheng >Pass the Books.
Dynamic Fighter Coat [D][+4](?), Dynamic Brawler Pants [D][+4] <BRAWLER>|
Dynamic Hunter Coat [D][+4], Dynamic Hunter Pants [D][+4] <ARCHER>|
Dynamic Mage Cloth [D][+4], Dynamic Mage Pants [D][+4] <SHAMAN>|
C-Class Battle Service Suit(Dynamic)[+4] , C-Class Battle Service Pants(Dynamic)[+4] <GUNNER>
Trigger: Ask about what happened >Next page >Accept Request.
From: Ice Cream Seller [TH]
Delivering the Bottles to Ice Cream Seller >Pass the Bottles.
Trigger: Ask about the Ice Cream Stall >Next page >Next page >Next page >Accept Request to Collect Recycled Trash.
Trigger on repeat: Collect Recyclable Bottles.
Notes: Old trigger: Ask about ice cream >Next page >Next page >Next page >Accept Request(?)
From: Cleaner [TH]
Returning the Warehouse Key to Cleaner >Pass the key.
Trigger: Ask whether everything is alright. >Next page >Accept Request.
Searching for the Drugs Package [10] from Head Nurse.
Delivering the Drugs Package to Nurse [Leo] @ Leo 1F; Approach (6,3)
Notes: Entrance to B1 is @ the central northernmost part of Leo 2F. Head to (1,19) if the first step does not complete.
Prereq: lvl 88, completed "The Stolen Book 2"
From: Master Zheng.
Delivering the Book (Game Architecture) to Master Zheng >Pass the Books.
Dynamic Brawler Robe [C][+3], Dynamic Brawler Pants [C][+3] <BRAWLER>|
Dynamic Archer Coat [C][+3], Dynamic Archer Pants [C][+3] <ARCHER>|
Dynamic Shaman Coat [C][+3], Dynamic Shaman Pants [C][+3] <SHAMAN>|
B-Class Battle Service Suit(Dynamic)[+3] , B-Class Battle Service Pants(Dynamic)[+3] <GUNNER>
Trigger: Ask about what happened >Accept Request.
Notes: The dialogue mentions the book was "snatched by a friend call Hodel". The quest details however, give the wrong Mob (Skating Master) as it retained the info from the previous Zheng quest.
Prereq: lvl 90, completed "Eliminating Monsters"
From: Yun [Wharf] (53,99)
Report back to Yun. >Deliver the Message.
Trigger: Need Help? & gt; Aceitar.
Prereq: lvl 90, completed "The Hunter's Trail"
Collecting the ingredients; Death Flame Fragment [7] from Fervid.
Report back to Siu Er. >Pass the Death Flame Fragments.
Delivering Medicine to Yun >Give Yun the Medicine.
Prereq: lvl 90, completed "A Friend's Request"
From: Yun [Wharf] (53,99)
Trigger: Ask who was chasing them(?) Need help(?)
Trigger on repeat: Get Yun's Letter >Get the letter.
Prereq: lvl 90, completed "Deliver Benu's Letter"
From: Siu Er [T4Passage] (65,65)
Trigger: Talk to Siu Er >Message for Yun.
From: Ghost(F) [Market] (28,36) [03/02/11 - 03/29/11]
Hunk Baldie fight, please. Kill Hunk Baldie [80]
Vengeful Spirit fight, please. Kill Vengeful Spirit [100] [T3Passage, Leo B2]
!Violent Girl! fight, please. Kill Violent Girl [120] [HO 1-3, T3Passage]
meet a ghost; Talk to Ghost(F) [Market] (28,36) >You done?
Trigger: How are you? >Let me give you a.
Notes: Love of the Millennium Event .
Millenium Love is a tradable (& upgradable) necklace. Combine this w/ the Millenium Oath for a headgear.
Has no "Give Up" option.
From: Ghost(M) [Market] (27,36) [03/02/11 - 03/29/11]
Golf Bomber fight, please. Kill Golf Bomber [80]
Vengeful Spirit fight, please. Kill Vengeful Spirit [100] [T3Passage, Leo B2]
Violent Baldie fight, please. Kill Violent Baldie [120] [HO 1-3, Wharf ]
meet a ghost; Talk to Ghost(M) [Market] (27,36) >You done?
Trigger: How are you? >Let me give you a.
Notes: Love of the Millennium Event .
Millenium Love is a tradable (& upgradable) necklace. Combine this w/ the Millenium Oath for a headgear.
Violent Baldie refers to the common mob, not the mob boss.
Has no "Give Up" option.
Prereq: lvl 90, Millenium Love (15D) & Millenium Oath (15D), completed "Finding Jack"
From: Jack [Market] [03/02/11 - 03/29/11]
Trigger: Start the system.
Notes: Love of the Millennium Event .
All items are tradable. The final Promise of Love is a headgear also upgradeable w/ +def & +res refines.
Promise of Love Box (F) contains Promise of Love [F] (15D)
Promise of Love Box (M) contains Promise of Love [M] (15D)
From: autoquest or Bus Stop [Prison]
Deliver Dry Ice to Ice Cream Seller [TH]
Trigger: Find the stolen Dry Ice.
Notes: No.1 Freezing Warehouse = Ice Warehouse - Water Purification, found near Wharf Bus Stop.
Quest drop rate is low, just be patient.
Prereq: lvl 92, completed "The Stolen Book 3"
From: Master Zheng.
Delivering the book to Master Zheng >Pass the Books.
Dynamic Brawler Robe [+2] , Dynamic Brawler Pants [+2] <BRAWLER>|
Dynamic Archer Coat [+2], Dynamic Archer Pants [+2] <ARCHER>|
Dynamic Shaman Coat [+2], Dynamic Shaman Pants [+2] <SHAMAN>|
A-Class Battle Service Suit(Dynamic)[+2] , A-Class Battle Service Pants(Dynamic)[+2] <GUNNER>
Trigger: Ask about what happened >Accept Request.
Notes: Old quest mob name "Clown ICE"(?)
From: Cleaner [TH]
Returning the Trash to Cleaner >Pass the rubbish.
Trigger: Take the Golf Stick >Next page >Accept Request.
Collecting the materials [5] from Freezing Halogen [SG Hole]
Collecting the materials [1] from Welder [PX Hole]
Report back to Monisha >Give all the materials to Monisha.
Trigger: Request assistance from Monisha.
Prereq: 96, Weapon Voucher II.
From: Monisha [Market]
Trigger: I need a new weapon.
Rebuild Fusion Wood Bow.
71 atk dis:85 acc:20 SP U: 3 dex:243 atk:(+8) Inc Max Atk rate:0.10% atk rv:-3.28%> <ARCHER>|
Notes: Weapon Random Values will be, well, random (atk rv, Decrease SP Usage etc.). Weapon rewards above are just samples.
W/ texture font set to OFF, triggers for weapon type will have unconverted special characters instead of the left|right double quotes.
Prereq: lvl 96, completed ""(?)
Defeat 5 Gas Technicians.
Defeat 7 Vicious Sailors.
Defeat 10 Violent Baldies. [Wharf/HO]
Report back to Yun. >Task Results.
Mercenary Robe [D][+5], Mercenary Pants [D][+5], Mercenary Gloves [D][+5], Mercenary Shoes [D][+5] <BRAWLER>|
Assassin Suit [D][+5], Assassin Jeans [D][+5], Assassin Gloves [D][+5], Assassin Heels [D][+5] <ARCHER>|
Trigger: Eliminating Monsters.
Notes: Violent Baldie refers to the common mob, not the mob boss.
From: Monisha [Market]
Report back to Monisha. >Give the ingredients to Monisha. >Sure. Não tenha pressa.
Trigger: Ask about Oblivion Potions. >Ask her what she needs. >I believe you can do it. >Sure thing.
Notes: This is an Obli B-equivalent (resets.
30 stat & all skill points) for lvl 100-110 ONLY. It can be sold to an NPC if not needed (0 gold).
myRosso reward is Business Pass (7D)(?)
Prereq: lvl 100, completed "A Friend's Request"(?)
Trigger: The Mysterious Girl.
Notes: Quest trigger is available w/o obtaining|completing prereq, but objective trigger will only appear after completing the prereq quest.
Prereq: lvl 100, completed "The Mysterious Girl"
Searching for Clues; Bloody Cloth @ B3 (66,14) or (66,15)(?)
Searching for Clues; Zhou Zhou Pads @ B3 (66,13) or (61,14)(?)
Searching for Clues; Student Handbook @ B3 (70,5)
Report back to Mr. No-Name. >Tell him what happened to Xi Xian.
Trigger: Offer Assistance.
Prereq: lvl 100, completed "The Missing Junior"
Delivering the letter to Siu Er >Pass the Book.
Trigger: Offer Assistance. >Deliver the letter.
Notes: Can TRADE items w/ Siu Er after delivering the letter to Yun (quest completion not required)
Prereq: lvl 101-170.
From: Ami [Practicing Yard] (22,20) [Saturday 1PM GMT+8]
Req: Time Restriction: 1 hour 10 minutes.
Announce the result to Ami; Talk w/ Ami [N-PracticingYard] when she spawns. >Announce the result.
Trigger: Help her request >Agree.
Notes: ExtraStage Event. Can ENTER N-Practicing Yard ONLY DURING this event.
Compre & amp; use the Extra Bus Ticket from the Extra Bus (22,16).
WARNING: Extra Citizen will appear for ONLY 2 minutes.
For other details & tips, see VIII. C.1 ExtraStage A|B|C|S Grade.
From: autoquest or Master Zheng.
Gather the ancient books [1] from! Fiery Aunty!
Meet Master Zheng >Deliver the books(?)
Prereq: lvl 106, completed "The Stolen Book 4"
From: Master Zheng.
Delivering the book to Master Zheng >Pass the Books.
Trigger: Ask about what happened >Accept Request.
Prereq: lvl 106, completed ""(?)
From: Cleaner [TH]
Deliver the oil bottles to the Cleaner [TH] >Deliver the Oil.
Trigger: Ask about the garbage >Accept [Volume of Demand:1-10000]
Notes: Bugged quest fixed in EP 6-2 patch. Previously, required 10 bottles w/c exceeds the quest inventory limit of 8.
Apparently, killing mobs in prison will complete the first part of the quest if this was started before the bugfix.
Quest is unavailable if char level was 106+ after the EP 3 patch. Tough luck, mamaw.
Deliver ID Cards to the Police [TH]
Trigger: Ask if there is something I can help >Accept.
Notes: No.1 Freezing Warehouse = Ice Warehouse - Water Purification, near Wharf Bus Stop.
Clicking on the quest details reveals the correct target situations [8].
Quest is unavailable if char level was 106+ after the EP 3 patch. Tough luck, mamaw.
Retrieving the Old Books from [1] Gas Technician.
Retrieving the Encyclopedia [1] from Storage Guard.
Returning the Items to Suspicious Folk; Approach (95,38)(?)
From: autoquest or Respective Class <Sword|Brawler|Archery|Shaman|Gunner(?)> Agent [TH]
Find Time capsule 1 right-most hole of first row (105,164)
Find Time capsule 2 middle hole of first row (95,165)
Find Time capsule 3 left-most hole of first row (84,164)
Find Time capsule 4 in the right-most hole of second row (116,170) <<FIXED>>(?)
Find Time capsule 5 middle hole of second row (92,170)(?)
Find Time capsule 6 in the left-most hole of second row <<FIXED>>(?)
Find Time capsule 1 right-most hole of 1st row (105,164)
Find Time capsule 2 middle hole of 1st row (95,165)
Find Time capsule 3 left-most hole of 1st row (84,164)
Find Time capsule 4 in the right-most hole of 2nd row (116,170) <<FIXED>>
Find Time capsule 5 middle hole of second row (92,170)
Find Time capsule 6 left-most hole of second row (83,176) <<FIXED>>
Deliver to Sword|Brawler|Archery|Shaman|Gunner(?) Agent >Deliver the Time Capsule.
Notes: The 'holes' are the golf holes w/ red flags in Nine Hall Club [TH].
Approximate coordinates of the 9 holes (yes, nine holes in NineHall):
1 & amp; 3rd Capsules for Brawlers & Shamans previously had typos. You had to go the opposite direction (right-most instead of left-most & vice versa) <<FIXED>>
From: Truck Driver [Wharf]
Return the Truck's key to Truck Driver >Pass the key.
Trigger: Ask about what happened >Next Page >Help the Truck Driver recover the Key.
Notes: EP 6 replaced last chat option from "Accept Request"
Prereq: lvl 112, completed "Finding the Truck's Key"
From: Truck Driver [Wharf]
Delivering the Gasoline Supplies to Truck Driver >Pass the diesel(?)
Trigger: Ask about the Truck >Next Page >Next Page >Accept Request.
Prereq: lvl 112, completed "Recycling the Gasoline"
From: Truck Driver [Wharf]
Looking for the Components from deck of ship @ Wharf #1 (43,107)
Looking for the Generator Parts from deck of ship @ Wharf #1 (44,120)
Delivering the Components to Truck Driver >Pass the spare parts.
Trigger: Ask about the Truck >Accept Request.
Prereq: lvl 112, completed "Repairing the Truck"(?)
From: Truck Driver.
Notes: It might be difficult to get this quest because of a text bug, but this is attainable - just try (hard!) to click on the text next to the very small text/white [!] box below "Change my Save Point".
You can also disable "Texture Font" in the launcher to view the quest text, albeit w/ garbled characters.
As of EP 6(?), quest "Repairing the Truck" no longer required(?)
Prereq: lvl 112, completed "Visiting the Old Man"
From: Suspicious Folk [Wharf] (105,91)
Delivering the Empty Bottle to Suspicious Folk >Pass the empty bottle.
Trigger: Ask about what happened.
Prereq: lvl 112, completed "Water Quality Check"
From: Suspicious Folk [Wharf]
Looking for the Generator Components in ship @ Wharf No. 2 (49,86)
Looking for the Generator Components in ship @ Wharf No. 2 (65,86)
Replacing the Water Bottle @ (103,74)
Delivering the Components to Suspicious Folk >Pass the spare parts.
Trigger: Ask about what happened.
Notes: Unequip your weapon to avoid being shot by Bandits while running.
"The Videotape of Green Secret Headquarters" (completion: lvl 125) may be triggered after this quest.
From: Saint Private Guard [Wharf]
Surrender batons to Saint Private Guard [Wharf] >Pass night sticks.
Mercenary Robe [+4], Mercenary Pants [+4], Mercenary Gloves [+4], Mercenary Shoes [+4] <BRAWLER>|
Assassin Suit [+4], Assassin Jeans [+4], Assassin Gloves [+4], Assassin Heels [+4] <ARCHER>|
Ritual Cloth [+4], Ritual Leggings [+4], Ritual Mittens [+4], Ritual Shoes [+4] <SHAMAN>|
, A-Class Elemental Pants[+4] <GUNNER>
Trigger: Ask what is the problem >Next page >Next page >Next page >Next page >Next page >Next page >Accept Request.
Notes: Use the bus stop near the Folk & debark @ Sacred Gate T-Junction [SG Hole] & vice-versa. Or use a Taxi Card.
Prereq: lvl 116, completed "Confiscating the Golf Clubs"
From: Cleaner [TH]
Confirm the safety of the Residents to Cleaner [TH] >Found out the result.
Trigger: Ask what the problem is. >Next page >Next page >Aceppt Request.
From: Police [Wharf]
Returning the Smuggled Goods to Police @ Wharf (96,37) >Pass the smuggled goods(?)
Trigger: Ask about what matter >Next page >Accept Request.
Prereq: lvl 117, completed "Confiscation of Smuggled Goods"
From: Police [Wharf]
Reporting the Smuggler's Location to Police [Wharf] >Pass the smuggler's trace(?)
Trigger: Ask about smuggling >Next page >Next page >Accept Request.
Notes: Violent Baldie refers to the common mob, not the mob boss.
Prereq: lvl 117, completed "Catching Smugglers"
From: Police [Wharf]
Search for the Evidence @ (90,40)
Returning the Evidence to Police [Wharf] >Pass the clue(?)
Trigger: Ask about building >Next page >Next page >Next page >Accept Request.
Prereq: lvl 117, completed "Investigating the Building"
From: Police [Wharf]
Accessing the Building; Activate the Authentication Terminal @ HO entrance [Wharf]
Trigger: Ask about methods of entering building.
Notes: You can use the bus stop @ Wharf near the Folk (#1 Freezing Warehouse) & debark @ Police Station [TH] & vice-versa. Or use a Taxi Card.
Eliminating Violent Baldie [5]
Eliminating Bandit [1] [Wharf]
Report to the Police [Wharf]
Notes: There are VBs @ Wharf No.5 if you don't want to go inside HO.
Violent Baldie refers to the common mob, not the mob boss.
Prereq: lvl 120, completed "Investigate the Green's Secret Headquarters"
From: Police [Wharf]
Repairing the Keys; Talk to Warehouse Keeper [Wharf] (92,37)
Identify the Keys; Talk to Police [Wharf] >Ask about key(?)
Trigger: Ask about "Green" Secret Hideout >Next page >Next page >Next page >Accept Request.
Notes: You don't have to kill all the mobs in the list. You can pick the easiest mob to kill to get the 5 keys.
Violent Baldie refers to the common mob, not the mob boss.
Searching for the Second Evidence info @ HO 1F_Ch1 (13,17)
Searching for the Third Evidence info @ HO 1F_Ch1 (11,14)
Collecting All the Evidences; Approach Police [Wharf] (95,37)
Notes: Make sure you are in HO 1F_Ch1. This means you HAVE to be in HangOut's First Floor, Channel 1 (1st entrance to the left, NOT server channel). The locations are near the Ice Tyrant (area boss) spawn point.
Prereq: lvl 125, completed "The "Green" Secret Foothold"
From: Police [Wharf]
Repairing the Keys; Talk to Warehouse Keeper [Wharf] >Show curving key.
Identify the Keys; Talk to Police [Wharf] >Identify the keys.
Trigger: Ask about 3rd Floor of "Green" Command Centre >Accept Request.
Notes: You don't have to kill all the mobs in the list. You can pick the easiest mob to kill to get the 5 keys.
Violent Baldie refers to the common mob, not the mob boss.
Prereq: acquisition: lvl 112, completed "Repairing the Generator"; completion: lvl 125.
From: Suspicious Folk [Wharf]
Returning the Surveillance Record to Suspicious Folk >Pass cassette.
Trigger: Ask about the situation.
Prereq: lvl 125, completed "The Videotape of Green Secret Headquarters"
From: Suspicious Folk [Wharf]
Searching for the Recovery Oil in ship @ Wharf No.3 (50,56)
Searching for the Recovery Oil in ship @ Wharf No.3 (49,58)
Searching for the Recovery Oil in ship @ Wharf No.3 (59,58)
Returning the Oil to Image Expert [TH] >Pass the materials for recovery.
Returning the Videotape to Suspicious Folk [Wharf] >Pass the recovered Cassette.
Trigger: Ask about the Cassette.
Notes: The Bus Card (or Taxi Card) is your friend. Make use of the bus stops @ Wharf Passage>Freezing Warehouse & Trading Hole>Police Station.
From: Suspicious Folk [Wharf]
Pass the item to the Suspicious Folk.
Trigger: Ask about document >Listen to the Request of the Old MAN.
Notes: Formerly had to disable "Texture Font" in the launcher to be able to view/complete the quest @ 126.
Fixed as of EP 6-3(?) & prereq "Visiting the Old Man" from Truck Driver removed.
Prereq: acquisition: lvl 66, completed "File Report On Found Objects"; completion: lvl 130.
Surrender the Ore to the Trading Hole Police Station >Pass the stone.
Trigger: Ask about stone related >Next Page >Agree.
Prereq: lvl 130, completed "Sacred Financial Group Private Jail"
From: Jail Warden [Prison]
Relay the Status of the Situation to Jail Warden >Report the situation of the comrades.
Trigger: Ask what is happening. >Next Page >Next Page >Reply.
Notes: Use the mini-map "m" to locate & move to the Central Tower. Unequip your weapon to avoid being shot by weapon aggressives (Black Ninja & Parak)
Prereq: lvl 130, completed "Rescue Police Companion"
From: Jail Warden [Prison]
Look for the CD [1] from Red Thief, Black Thief & Machinary Thief.
Pass the Items to the Jail Warden >Exhange keys and CD.
Trigger: Ask about the related Box >Promise.
Prereq: lvl 130, completed "Rescue Police Companion"
From: Police [TH], autoquest after "Rescue Police Companion"
Convey Status to Jail Warden >Report the main culprit of the violence.
Notes: Use the mini-map to locate the NPC Soul(Prison) (upper lvl near Room C). NPC typo <<FIXED>>, previously "Soul (Middle Hole)"
Prereq: lvl 130, completed "Request of the Police"
From: Jail Warden [Prison]
Trigger: Ask about the related Jail.
Prereq: lvl 130, completed "Report Status of Jail"
From: Police [TH], autoquest after "Report Status of Jail"
Investigate Central Jail Tower [Prison] (58,82)
Investigate Underground Operation Center Entrance (61,106)
Inform the Status of Investigation to Jail Warden >Inform the results of the investigation of Jail.
Prereq: lvl 130, completed "Investigate the Jail"
From: Jail Warden [Prison], autoquest after "Investigate the Jail"
Investigate the Vicinity of the Control Tower B Center (46,96)
Investigate the Vicinity of the Control Tower C Center (70,98)
Investigate the Vicinity of the Control Tower D Center (70,71)
Inform Jail Police of the Status; Tell Jail Warden the outcome of the investigation.
Submit the Final Report to Police [TH] >Returning Evidence(?)
Notes: The locations are all in the upper balcony/towers of Prison.
Prereq: acquisition: lvl 66; completion: lvl 130.
Incident Report to TH Police >Inform criminal.
Trigger: Start 'Report Violent Criminals'
Notes: Previous requirement pre-EP 6-1: lvl 130, completed previous quest "Rescue Police Companion".
Extremes are rewarded w/ Exp 19000, Attribute 2.
Prereq: lvl 130, completed "Report Violent Criminals"
Convey the Findings to TH Police.
Trigger: obtain list(?)
Notes: Old quest mob names "Prisoner-HammerMan, Prisoner-RockMan & Prisoner Ringgy"
Prereq: lvl 130, completed "Obtain the List of Prisoners"
From: Police [TH], autoquest after "Obtain the List of Prisoners"
Reporting the Outcome to TH Police >Report the result.
Notes: "Weapon Shop Owner" (completion: lvl 140) is autotriggered after this quest. Old quest mob name "Prisoner-HammerMan"
Prereq: lvl 132, completed "The 2nd Floor of the "Green" Secret Foothold"
From: Police [Wharf]
Returning the Documents; Talk to Police [Wharf] >Pass the document(?)
Trigger: Ask about "Green" >Next Page >Next Page >Next Page >Accept Request.
Prereq: lvl 132, completed "The 3rd Floor of the "Green" Secret Foothold"
From: Police [Wharf]
Identifying the Receiver of the Letter; Talk to AngBeeLan [TH] (129,139) >Show the letter.
Trigger: Ask about mail.
Prereq: lvl 132, completed "Returning the Evidence"
From: AngBeeLan [TH]
Req: Time Restriction: 30 minutes.
Identify the Collected Items; Report to AngBeeLan w/in 30 minutes >Show rewarded prizes.
Trigger: Ask about the mail(?) >Next Page >Next Page >Accept Request.
Notes: Tests your knowledge of Geography (i. e. mob locations). She says 20 minutes(?) <<TYPO>>
Prereq: lvl 132, completed "The First Test"
From: AngBeeLan [TH]
Req: Time Restriction: 15 minutes; Immortal.
Surrendering the Pills to AngBeeLan w/in 15 minutes >Show the pill.
Trigger: Ask about the situation >Next Page >Next Page >Next Page >Next Page >Accept 2nd Test.
Prereq: lvl 132, completed "The Second Test"
From: AngBeeLan [TH]
Req: Time Restriction: 10 minutes; Immortal.
Report to AngBeeLan w/in 10 minutes >Accept Confirmed Result.
Trigger: Ask about what happen >Next Page >Next Page >Next Page >Next Page >Next Page >Accept the last test(?)
Notes: Tests your capabilities (i. e. fast-killing ability). She says 8 minutes <<TYPO>>
Prereq: acquisition: lvl 66; completion: lvl 140.
Trigger: Reward catalog.
Notes: This quest may be acquired in advance (from level 66) & can only be completed if the player can enter MH (lvl 140).
Old quest mob name "RocknRoll"
The 3rd Floor of the "Green" Secret Foothold.
From: Police [Wharf]
o Collect 7 pieces of letter fragments from Ninja(M), SteelHead, Saint Gambler and Bunny Girl.
o Talk to Police [Wharf]
Reward: Gold 40000, Aruhagen Ring [Lvl:120][+4]
o Go to HO 1F entrance 10/5.
o Proceed to 2nd floor for Accessory HO 2F 10/6.
o Deliver Accesory to Lee Zhen.
Reward: Exp 35000, Attribute 3.
o Defeat Ninja(M) [8]
o Defeat Bunny Girl [8]
o Get Confirmation.
Reward: Gold 30000, 14 Spiritual Spheres.
Look for the Backpack Key.
From: Nurse(Middle Hole) [MH]
Pass the key to the Middle Hole Nurse >Pass the key to him.
Trigger: Ask about related problem. >Next >Agree.
Notes: Quest name.
Prereq: acquisition: lvl 130, completed "Report on Prison Escapees" ; completion: lvl 140.
From: Police [TH], autoquest after "Report on Prison Escapees"
Prereq: lvl 140, completed "Weapon Shop Owner"
From: Weapon Shop Owner [MH]
Returning the Weapons to Weapon Shop Owner >Pass the weapons.
Trigger: Ask what's the matter >Next page >Reply.
Prereq: lvl 140, completed "Retrieve Scammed Weapons"
From: Weapon Shop Owner [MH], autoquest after "Retrieve Scammed Weapons"
Look for Remaining Clues; Find WSO's friend @ MH (97,20)
Look for Remaining Clues; Find WSO's friend @ MH (85,20)
Look for Remaining Clues; Find WSO's friend @ MH (84,26)
Convey the Remaining Clues to Weapon Shop Owner >Pass Trails of person you are looking for.
Prereq: lvl 140, completed "Look for friends"
From: Weapon Shop Owner [MH], autoquest after "Look for friends"
Search the Scene of Incident (93,31)
Report Status to TH Police Station and report of Middle Hole situation >Report Middle Hole's situation.
Prereq: lvl 140, completed "Check if the Weapon Shop Owner's friend is Hurt"
From: Police [TH], autoquest after "Check if the Weapon Shop Owner's friend is Hurt"
Submit Retrieved Documents to TH Police >Give back document.
Prereq: lvl 140, completed "Collect Back Confidential Documents"
From: Police [TH], autoquest after "Collect Back Confidential Documents"
Examine the Scene of Incident (92,40)
Search the Scene of Incident (91,62)
Report Content of Investigation to TH Police >Inform Middle Hole report content.
Notes: Quest name.
Prereq: lvl 140, completed " Confirm Security of Middle Hole"
From: Police [TH], autoquest after " Confirm Security of Middle Hole"
Present Evidence to the Police Station [TH] >Show the item.
Notes: Locations of some cars w/ "Fire"s - (92,30); (89,35); (95,38)
Prereq: acquisition: lvl 140; completion: completed "Collect Back Confidential Documents"
Look for Spare Parts @ TH Multi Sports Center (98,159)
Request to have the Walkie Talkies Repaired from Image Expert >Pass walkie-talkie's accessory.
Trigger: Ask about the situation.
Notes: The chat option from the Image Expert will only appear if the prereq quest is completed.
Prereq: lvl 140, completed "Repair Walkie Talkies"
From: Image Expert [TH]
From: autoquest or Bus Stop [TH]
Meet Police [TH] >Ask about the document related to action guide for emergency(?)
Meet Weapon Expert [MH] >Deliver the action guide(?)
Meet Nurse(Middle Hole) [MH]
From: autoquest or Jail Warden.
Meet Weapon Expert [MH] >Pass the withdrawal weapons.
Trigger: Ask what is happening >Agree.
Notes: Quest name.
Notes: Old quest mob name "Machinary Thief"
From: autoquest or Master Zheng, autoquest after "Collection of Old book"
Meet Nurse in Trading Hole; Approach (96,115)
Meet Hotdog Hawker in TH; Approach (98,113)
Get the guide book; Approach (121,89)
Deliver to the civilian Ms. Choi [MH] >Give the medical box.
Notes: Quest name.
From: Jail Warden.
Collecting Green bead [1] from Black Ninja.
Collecting Green Crystal [1] from Corrupted Parak.
Delivering the items to Jail Warden >Pass the beads.
Trigger: Help in investigation.
Look for other Clues of the Missing Child @ MH (99,108)
Look for More Clues of the Missing Child @ MH (102,108)
Pass the Result to Trading Hole Police Station >Tell about the result of unknown boy.
From: Police Corpse[A]
Look for the Clues Again (50,99)
Look for the Suspect; Enquire from the Jail Warden >Some Trails were discovered what is your opinion >Next >Next(?)
Arrest Prison Supervisor [1]
Report the Status of the Arrest to Jail Warden >Inform the results of the apprehension of Prisoners.
Trigger: Confirmation of body.
Notes: Police Corpse[A] is located in the north side of the prison, w/ some Maso near the portal to PTZ.
From: Jail Warden.
Pass the 6 Missing Pieces to Jail Warden >Show the Certificate.
Pass the Letter Pad to Trading Hole Police Station >Show fake identity book.
Trigger: Ask about the situation.
Notes: Quest name . Old quest mob names "Prisoner-HammerMan & Prisoner-RockMan"
From: autoquest or Bus Stop [Wharf]
Deliver tape to Police [TH] >Deliver the security monitor video tape.
Notes: Quest name . Old quest mob name "Prisoner_Big"
From: Weapon Shop Owner [Middle Hole]
Collect Green Crystal [1] from Cross Fatty.
Give these beads to the Weapon Shop Owner >Pass collected beads.
Notes: The quest text mentions eliminating the Spice Girl. It's only the detailed quest objective that has the typo.
From: autoquest or Weapon Shop Owner.
Notes: Please file a helpdesk ticket to have the quest manually inserted if this does not autotrigger (for lvl 162+ server/school migrants).
Try w/ the Weapon Shop Owner FIRST. Fixed bug for non-SG students w/ the quest trigger from the WSO.
Prereq: lvl 162, completed "Deliver the News"
From: Student Director, autoquest after "Deliver the News"
Prereq: lvl 162, completed "Deliver Important Message"
From: Police [TH], autoquest after "Deliver Important Message"
Prereq: lvl 162, completed "Enter Root Hole"
From: Police [RH], autoquest after "Enter Root Hole"
Verify the Streets of Root Hole @ (93,38)
Verify the Streets of Root Hole @ (92,54)
Look for the Root Hole Police >Discuss the situation.
Prereq: lvl 162, completed "Assess the Root Hole"
From: Police [RH], autoquest after "Assess the Root Hole"
Trigger: Ask the background of Sacred financial Group >Ask about the company achievement >To next >Ask if he saw something.
Prereq: lvl 162, completed "Mysterious Sacred Financial Group"
From: Special Agent, autoquest after "Mysterious Sacred Financial Group"
Find the golf clubs [10] from Golf Bomber [North TH]
Meet Construction Supervisor at Sacred Gate [SG Hole] >Deliver the golf clubs.
Meet the Special Agent >Ask about community service.
Prereq: lvl 162, completed "Community service of Saint Financial Group"
From: Special Agent, autoquest after "Community service of Saint Financial Group"
Meet Nurse at Bridge [SG Ring] >Ask about the impression of Saint Financial Group.
Meet Banshee of Leonair Campus >Ask about the public service of Saint Financial Group.
Meet Student Director of Leonair Campus >Ask about the public service of Saint Financial Group.
Meet Weapon Expert in Middle Hole >Show the blueprint.
Prereq: lvl 162, completed "Behind the truth of Saint Financial Group"
From: Weapon Shop Owner, autoquest after "Behind the truth of Saint Financial Group"
Meet the old man at Wharf Passage >Ask about the security code for head office.
Retrieve the code from Trump Master in HangOut 3F/2F [1]
Meet the old man at Wharf Passage >Ask to implant the code.
Meet Image Expert [TH] >Ask to make voice-change device.
Meet the old man in front of Head Office [RH] >Listen a advice.
Notes: "Entrance of Saint Financial Group Head Office" (completion: lvl 190) is autotriggered after this quest.
From: New Quest Helper.
Pass to SkillPoint Helper for verification results. >Accept verification.
Trigger: Starting Battle Abilities Verification I.
From: autoquest or Police [RH]
Meet Police in Root Hole.
Trigger: Ask fires accident >Start 'collect fireworks'
From: New Quest Helper.
Pass to SkillPoint Helper for verification results. >Accept verification.
Trigger: Starting Battle Abilities Verification II.
From: autoquest or College Representative [Market]
Eliminate Ice Master [1] [HO_1F]
Obtain Verification Report from the Physics Teacher [Respective Hole]
Trigger: Start "Advance Physics Teacher's Test"
Notes: This was originally only available to SG students as an autoquest. MP|PX quest patched 12/05/08, w/ acquisition from the Market College Representative.
Bugged quest for Extremes.
From: New Quest Helper.
Kill 3 Ice Inducer.
Pass to SkillPoint Helper for verification results. >Accept verification.
Trigger: Starting Battle Abilities Verification III.
From: New Quest Helper.
Pass to SkillPoint Helper for verification results. >Accept verification.
Trigger: Starting Battle Abilities Verification IV.
Notes: Old quest mob name "Poisonous Demon Inducer"
From: autoquest(?) or Police [RH]
Pass to Root Hole Police >Submit the special sphere.
Trigger: Listen to the mission content.
Notes: Sphere/scroll exchange was bugged for Brawlers, fixed 11/09 <<FIXED>>
From: New Quest Helper.
Pass to SkillPoint Helper for verification results. >Accept verification.
Trigger: Starting Battle Abilities Verification V.
From: Monisha [Market] (30,40)
Please give it to Monisha >Pass the research information.
Trigger: Listen Conversation >Agree [Volume of Demand:200000]
Notes: Mesil Sphere can then be exchanged w/ Monisha for the new Transformation Skill Scroll.
Prereq: 167, Mesil Sphere.
From: Monisha [Market]
Trigger: Exchange Mesil Potion >Exchange "Aegis of Precision|Haste|Agility|Blessing|(?) Scroll"
Reward: Aegis of Precision Scroll <SWORDIE>|Aegis of Haste Scroll <BRAWLER>|
Aegis of Agility Scroll <ARCHER>|Aegis of Blessing Scroll <SHAMAN>|Secure Atmosphere(?) <GUNNER>
Notes: The Aegis skill is for lvl 175.
Mesil exchange previously unavailable for Gunners <<FIXED>>
Prereq: lvl 170 30% exp & acima.
From: College Representative [Market] [09/05/07 - 10/24/07]
Kill a red mob to level up.
Notes: Level compensation quest was temporary. The EXP Table has been modified for these levels (i. e. decreased), w/c was the purpose of the compensation.
Retrieve skill document from light elemental sorcerer [RH]
Retrieve skill document from fire elemental sorcerer.
Retrieve skill document from ice elemental sorcerer.
Transmit the documents @ any Bus Stop >Send out the skill document >Send out the skill document(?)
Notes: Quest name.
Prereq: lvl 170, Club Death Match member|Level A|S Guild Leader.
Location: CDM E-Room Channel 0, [Friday 9PM GMT+8]
Req: Time Restriction: 1 hour.
Reward: First Class|Second Class|Third Class Victory Medal.
Notes: Club Death Match Event. Definitely not a quest, but a system-generated event. This is a gang PVP/PK challenge.
Can ENTER CDM E-Room ONLY DURING this event.
For other details, see VIII. C. Special Events Quests/Tasks.
Prereq: lvl 170, Club Death Match member, First Class|Second Class|Third Class Victory Medal.
From: Legend Fighter [Market]
1st place: 1st CDM box(Sword|Brawler|Archery|Shaman|Gunner)
2nd place: 2nd CDM box(Sword|Brawler|Archery|Shaman|Gunner)
3rd place: 3rd CDM box(Sword|Brawler|Archery|Shaman|Gunner)
Notes: Club Death Match Event. For other details, see VIII. C. Special Events Quests/Tasks.
From: Ami [Practicing Yard] (22,20) [Sunday 1PM GMT+8]
Req: Time Restriction: 1 hour 10 minutes.
Announce the result to Ami; Talk w/ Ami [N-PracticingYard] when she spawns. >Announce the result.
Trigger: Help her request >Agree.
Notes: ExtraStage Event. Can ENTER N-Practicing Yard ONLY DURING this event.
Compre & amp; use the Extra Bus Ticket from the Extra Bus (22,16).
Collect 5 ExtraS Ticket Pieces for entry to ExtraStage S.
WARNING: Extra Citizen will appear for ONLY 2 minutes.
For other details & tips, see VIII. C.1 ExtraStage A|B|C|S Grade.
Prereq: lvl 171, ExtraS Ticket Piece [5/5]
From: Ami [Practicing Yard] (22,20) [Sunday 7PM GMT+8]
Trigger: Exchange to Entry Extra S card.
Reward: ExtraStageS Box.
Notes: ExtraStage Event. Unpack (right-click) the ExtraStageS Box for the ExtraS Entry Card.
Prereq: lvl 171, ExtraS Entry Card.
From: Ami [Practicing Yard] (22,20) [Sunday 7PM GMT+8]
Req: Time Restriction: 1 hour 10 minutes.
Announce the result to Ami; Talk w/ Ami [N-PracticingYard] when she spawns. >Announce the result.
Trigger: Help her request >Agree.
Notes: ExtraStage Event. Can ENTER N-Practicing Yard ONLY DURING this event.
Compre & amp; use the Extra Bus Ticket from the Extra Bus (22,16).
Trade 5 ExtraS Ticket Pieces from "Request of Ami (A)" w/ Ami during this stage to get the ExtraS Entry Card from the ExtraStageS Box.
Extra Costume[F|M][Jacket], Extra Costume[F|M][Pants], Extra Costume[F|M][Gloves], Extra Costume[F|M][Shoes]
WARNING: Extra Citizen will appear for ONLY 2 minutes.
For other details & tips, see VIII. C.1 ExtraStage A|B|C|S Grade.
Deliver the spheres to the Trading Hole Police Station.
Gather weather info from cracked roads coordinates (100,131)
Gather weather info from cracked roads coordinates (69,127)
Pass Weather Info to! Root Hole! Police.
Prereq: lvl 177, completed "Obtain Weather Info"
From: Police [RH], autoquest after "Obtain Weather Info"
(+)Convince Phoenix Student Director <PX>|
(+)Convince Sacred Gate Student Director <SG>
From: Old Man [RH]
Trigger: (?)Listen to Story >Send regards solemnly >Ask about the situation.
Prereq: lvl 180, completed "Convince <MP|SG|PX> Student Director"
From: Old Man, autoquest after "Convince <MP|SG|PX> Student Director"
Eliminate Death Reaper [1] [HO_2F]
Look for AngBeeLan in TH >Confirm result.
Notes: Ang Bee Lan = AngBeeLan <<TYPO>>
Prereq: lvl 180, completed "Verify Ang Bee Lan"
From: AngBeeLan, autoquest after "Verify Ang Bee Lan"
Notes: Quest is unavailable if char level was 190+ after the EP 6-1 patch. Tough luck, mamaw.
You can use this card (identical to New Character Card) to create your Extreme char @ lvl 190 (reduced from lvl 195 Gunner Patch).
Original requirement for Extreme @ myRosso is 190.
Prereq: acquisition: lvl 162, completed "Mysterious Melody"; completion: lvl 190.
From: Old Man [RH], autoquest after "Mysterious Melody"
Notes: Required level to enter Head. B 1F is 190. "Memory of the Document" is autotriggered after this quest.
Prereq: lvl 190, completed "Entrance of Saint Financial Group Head Office"
From: Terminal(1F) [Head. B 1F] (41,21)
Enter the Password @ Terminal(1F) in front of 30F entrance gate >Enter the password.
Trigger: Search the password. >Start to find the password.
Notes: Just run CLOCKWISE around 1F, starting from the SE corner (bottom right), SW, NW & then to the NE (top right)
Prereq: lvl 190, completed "Find the Password"
From: Terminal(1F), autoquest after "Find the Password"
Booooo @ Chemistry Laboratory A (22,9)(?)
BooAoo @ small square grey lobby along the bottom row (17,10)(?)
BooANo @ Microbe Laboratory (12,10)(?)
BooANN @ Research Library 3 (6,8)(?)
BoRANN @ Research Library 4 (7,27)(?)
BIRANN, oo @ Biology and Chemical Laboratory (13,27)(?)
BIRAN, Bo @ small square grey lobby along the top row (16,28), next "room" to Biology and Chemical Laboratory.
Enter the password @ Terminal(30F) (30,20) >Enter ID and Password.
Notes: Just run CLOCKWISE around 30F, going into the rooms, starting from the SE corner (bottom right), SW, NW & then to the NE (top right)
Prereq: lvl 190, completed "To Head Office 50F"
From: Terminal(30F), autoquest after "To Head Office 50F"
oAooooo @ DNA Laboratory (23,10)(?)
oARoooo @ small square grey lobby along the bottom row (16,11)(?)
oARoooU @ Biology Experiment Laboratory (14,12)(?)
oARAooU @ Library Administration Room (6,12)(?)
CARAooU @ Facility Administration Room (5,25)(?)
CARAoDU @ Laboratory Administration Room (13/23)(?)
CARANDU, o @ small square grey lobby along the top row (17,28)(?)
Enter the password @ Terminal(50F) (34,20) >Enter ID and Password.
Notes: Just run CLOCKWISE around 50F, going into the rooms, starting from the SE corner (bottom right), SW, NW & then to the NE (top right)
Prereq: lvl 190, completed "Entrance of Saint Financial Group Head Office"
From: autoquest after "Entrance of Saint Financial Group Head Office"
Notes: Necklace description: Allows you to respawn at the same location you died. Click on "Use" when prompted. Useful only when worn.
Prereq: lvl 190, completed "Memory of the document"
From: Seung Hee Ji, autoquest after "Memory of the Document"
Verification of document @ Record Read Terminal [Head. B 1F] (14,10) >Insert the part of document >Input piece of the document.
Prereq: lvl 190, completed "Recovery of Document"
From: Record Read Terminal [Head. B 1F] (14,10), autoquest after "Recovery of Document"
Verification of document @ Record Read Terminal [Head. B 1F] (14,10) >Insert the part of document >Input piece of the document.
Prereq: lvl 190, completed "Second document Recovery"
From: Record Read Terminal [Head. B 1F], autoquest after "Second Document Recovery"
Verification of document @ Record Read Terminal [Head. B 1F] (14,10) >Insert the part of document >Input piece of the document.
Prereq: lvl 190, completed "Third document Recovery"
From: Record Read Terminal [Head. B 1F], autoquest after "Third document Recovery"
Verification of document @ Record Read Terminal [Head. B 1F] (14,10) >Insert the part of document >Input piece of the document.
Notes: Quest completion available after EP 3-2 patch.
Prereq: lvl 190, completed "To Head Office 90F"
From: Hong Ji Yoon [Head. B 90F]
Trigger: Listen the story >Ask how to go toilet.
Prereq: lvl 190, completed "Passing over 90F"
From: autoquest after "Passing over 90F"
Notes: The portal to Head. B Left Wall is @ Head. B 90F (22,29)
WARNING: Can ENTER Head. B Left Wall ONLY DURING this quest. You canNOT go back & revisit Time Cutter once this quest is COMPLETED.
Finishing the quest requires you to approach the exit to the Director Room @ the other end of the map.
You can exit the map & not complete the quest by using teleporting enhancements (or reviving on death >_<).
Prereq: lvl 190, completed "Where the time stops 1"
From: autoquest after "Where the time stops 1"
Notes: This version of Director Room can only be accessed during this quest & there are no mobs. How nice. The exit to Head. B 1F is @ (20,22).
To get back (if you prematurely left it w/out completing the quest), there's another portal (24,29) right next to the one to Head. B Left Wall in Head. B 90F (near the cracked window).
Prereq: lvl 190, completed "Investigation of Director Room "
From: autoquest after "Investigation of Director Room "
Find the entrance of Underground Laboratory; Go to Head. B 1F (18,21)
Find the Password [1] from mobs in 30F, 50F & 90F.
Enter the password @ Underground Passage Terminal [Head. B 1F] (14,21) >Enter the password.
Notes: Quest drop rate is low, just be patient.
Prereq: lvl 190, completed "Laboratory in underground"
From: Underground Passage Terminal, autoquest after "Laboratory in underground"
Prereq: lvl 190, completed "Investigation of Underground"
From: Ji Il Chung, autoquest after "Investigation of Underground"
Confirmation of Information w/ Ji Il Chung (65,80) >Show the materials.
Notes: Quest drop rate is low, just be patient.
Prereq: lvl 190, completed "Find Laboratory"
From: Ji Il Chung, autoquest after "Find Laboratory"
Check the parts w/ Ji Il Chung (65,80) >Show the parts.
Find the user manual by talking to So Sung Il (4,46) near Artificial Heart Power Generator Room/Root Hole exit >Show the eight signs of divine.
Notes: Head. B U-ground mobs: Animal Trainer, Multilock, Poison Multilock, Slicer, Poison Slicer, Twin head fire dog, 3-headed dog etc.
Prereq: lvl 190, completed "Assemble of the eight signs of divine "
From: So Sung Il [Head. B U-ground] (4,46)
Meet the Student Director [Respective Campus1F]
Meet the Instructor [Respective Campus1F]
Trigger: Ask about list of Saint.
Prereq: lvl 190, completed "Secret of Freshmen"
From: Respective Class <Sword|Brawler|Archery|Shaman|Gunner(?)> Agent [TH], autoquest after "Secret of Freshmen"
Find the mineral in Prison; Retrieve the mineral [1] from Prisoner_Big [Prison]
Meet the old man in front of Head Office [RH] >Show the eight signs of divine.
Notes: Quest name . Quest acquisition for Extremes is from So Sung Il [Head. B U-ground]
Prereq: lvl 190, completed "Completion of the eight signs of divine "
From: autoquest after "Completion of the eight signs of divine "
Find another passage to Head. B RightWall @ Head. B 90F (22,8)
Go to Director Room.
WARNING: Can ENTER Head. B Right Wall ONLY DURING this quest. You canNOT go back & revisit Eraser once this quest is COMPLETED.
Finishing the quest requires you to approach the exit to the Director Room @ the other end of the map.
You can leave & not complete the quest by using teleporting enhancements (or reviving on death >_<).
Prereq: lvl 190, completed "Where the time stops 2"
From: autoquest after "Where the time stops 2"
Preparation of the eight signs of divine; Eliminate 10 Powered Mono Eye @ Director Room.
Activation of the Eight Signs of Divine; Go to Director Room (36,22)
Notes: CAUTION: Area boss Geomencer may be around the area, (possible 1-hit magic damage) in addition to other aggressives.
Prereq: lvl 190, completed "Activation of the eight signs of divine"
From: autoquest after "Activation of the eight signs of divine"
Investigation of Another World; Go to Another W Center (22,25)(?)
Conversation with Director; Talk to Director (23,40)(?)
Notes: Can ENTER Another World Center DURING quest.
Prereq: lvl 190, completed "To Another World.."
From: Director [Another W Center]
Speak with Director [Another W Center] (23,40)(?)
Trigger: (?)Ask about the favor.
Notes: Can ENTER Another World North DURING quest. CAUTION: Area boss Reflector may be around the area, so be careful.
The copy spirit of the Director IS Reflector.
Prereq: lvl 190, completed "Laboratory in underground"(?)
From: Seung Hee Yoon [Head. B U-ground] (66,15)
Meet Seung Hee Yoon [Head. B U-ground] (66,15)
Trigger: Ask about Seung Hee Ji >Accept.
Notes: Yeah, the quest title has "Yeon" instead of "Yoon". And the chat text has "Jeon". <<TYPO>>
Prereq: lvl 190, completed "Favor of Seung Hee Yeon "
From: Seung Hee Yoon.
Check the right side of Artificial Heart (14,50)
Check the back side of Artificial Heart (7,48)
Check the left side of Artificial Heart (13,45)
Speak with Seung Hee Yoon (66,15)
Trigger: Ask if there's something I can help >Agree.
Notes: All locations are around the "Heart" near So Sung Il.
Necklace description: Allows you to respawn at the same location you died. Click on "Use" when prompted. Useful only when worn.
Notes: Old/myRosso quest name "Mid Term Executive Ability Test"(?)
Gather Red Rosary from Light Demon Inducer.
Gather Blood Dagger from Fire Demon Inducer.
Pass materials to the Old Man.
5 def:5 acc:5 eva:2 res:5 pow/vit/int/dex(+5) Non-drop, Non-trade, Restricted to inventory>
Notes: Quest name.
Prereq: 197, completed "Make Special Ring"
From: Old Man [RH]
>The ring will be upgraded one step further >Agree.
The lvl 193 Janaohu Ganil ring will be replaced by the lvl 197 Iron Fist Ganil ring.
10 def:7 acc:7 eva:7 res:5 pow/vit/int/dex(+10) Non-drop, Non-trade, Restricted to inventory>
Prereq: lvl 197, Iron Fist Ganil.
From: Old Man [RH], autoquest after receiving Iron Fist Ganil.
From: Carl Sheldon [Saint Research]
Defeat Animal Trainer [5]
Report the Result to Carl Sheldon >Receive a confirmation.
Trigger: What do I need help?
Prereq: lvl 197, completed "Mysterious request"
From: Carl Sheldon.
Go and find Carl Sheldon >Pass the request message of Bio Bear.
Trigger: Need help?
Prereq: lvl 197, completed "Tracking the clues"
From: Carl Sheldon.
Go and find Black Wing of Priest >Pass the message to Carl Sheldon.
Trigger: Meet the Bio Bear.
Prereq: lvl 197, completed "The help of Bio Bear"
From: Black Wing of Priest.
Trigger: Does it hurt?
Notes: Repeatable quests: from Sir Er "A letter for Yun's leader" = Recardos Pearl; from Yun "Deliver Benu's Letter" = Soul Fragment.
Prereq: lvl 197/200(?), completed "The past memories"
From: Black Wing of Priest.
Prereq: lvl 197/200(?)
From: Carl Sheldon.
From: Old Man [RH]
Prereq: lvl 199-204(?), 20,000,000(?)|22,000,000 Gold.
From: College Representative [Market]
14,098,437,732 total(?). Incredibly ROUGH estimates, I could be WAY off. I just played around w/ some unverified #s>
Trigger: Surprising Bonus >(?)
Notes: This quest can be done a total of 7 times for 22 million Gold per repeat.
The reward is definitely some Exp, not a fixed level, so your rewarded % will vary according to your level.
I don't (yet) have definitive #s, but @ 201, exp to lvl is 11,426,499,394, so you're guaranteed 1 lvl if you're @ 0 exp.
Other reported results for completing 7/7: @ 199 -> 201; @ 203 -> 204; 204 15% -> 205.
WARNING: Unverified #s.
Prereq: 200, completed "Use of Special Ring"
From: Old Man [RH]
>The ring will be upgraded one step further >Agree.
The lvl 197 Iron Fist Ganil ring will be replaced by the lvl 200 Black Knife Ganil ring.
20 def:10 acc:10 eva:10 res:10 pow/vit/int/dex(+20) Non-drop, Non-trade, Restricted to inventory>
Prereq: lvl 200, Black Knife Ganil.
From: Old Man [RH], autoquest after receiving Black Knife Ganil.
From: So Sung Il.
Prereq: lvl 203, completed "So Sung Il's Request"
From: So Sung Il.
Prereq: lvl 203, completed "The Mysterious Girl"(?)
Obtain Smallpox Leaf.
Report back to Siu Er.
10 def:10 acc:10 eva:10 res:5 pow/vit/int/dex(+10) Non-drop, Non-trade, Restricted to inventory>
Notes: Ring description: A ring containing Saint Power.
Prereq: lvl 207, completed "Siu Er's Research"(?)
20 def:15 acc:15 eva:15 res:7 pow/vit/int/dex(+20) Non-drop, Non-trade, Restricted to inventory>
Notes: Ring description: A ring containing Saint Power.
Prereq: lvl 210, completed "The Mysterious Ring I"
30 def:15 acc:15 eva:15 res:10 pow/vit/int/dex(+30) Non-drop, Non-trade, Restricted to inventory>
Notes: Ring description: A ring containing Saint Power.
From: Carl Sheldon.
From: Reticence Blaze Angel.
Notes: Team/party quest.
Prereq: lvl 210(?), completed "The pillar of the world"
Notes: Team/party quest.
Prereq: lvl 210(?), completed "The warrior's spirit"
Notes: Team/party quest.
From: Reticence Blaze Angel.
Notes: Team/party quest.
From: Reticence Blaze Angel.
Notes: Team/party quest.
Prereq: lvl 220(?), completed "The gate of other world"
Prereq: lvl 220(?), completed "The warrior's spirit"
Notes: Team/party quest.
From: Reticence Blaze Angel.
Prereq: lvl 230(?), completed "The warrior's heart"
Notes: Team/party quest.
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RanWorld Padme-West-Han поделился(-ась) публикацией RanWorld Odin.
[R. W.T. 2018 GM Edition]
Good day Student Leaders!
We are inviting everyone to witness our Game Masters as they battle against each other in a 1v1 duel event…
RanWorld Odin.
[R. W.T. 2018 GM Edition]
Good day Student Leaders!
We are inviting everyone to witness our Game Masters as they battle against each other in a 1v1 duel event…
RanWorld Padme-West-Han поделился(-ась) публикацией Ran online (GS).
[GM's Bet 3vs3 Mini-Tournament 2017]
December 02, 2017 (Junior Category)
December 03, 2017 (Senior Category)
Ran online (GS) добавил(-а) 2 новых фото.
[GM's Bet 3vs3 Mini-Tournament 2017]
December 02, 2017 (Junior Category)
December 03, 2017 (Senior Category)
RanWorld Padme-West-Han.
ADMINs/GMs will not:
(7-1) Ask for your password;
(7-2) Disclose your information to any 3rd party. Users’ personal information is protected in accordance with the personal data policy unless disclosure of such information is demanded by the military, police or the prosecutor in accordance with the legal procedures;
(7-3) Modify users’ information randomly;
(7-4) Modify game information (such as character name, character’s performance) unless it is absolutely necessary…
RanWorld Padme-West-Han.
Announcement: Unfortunately, the junior category level will be rescheduled due to minimum number of participants…

Accessible Classic: The Fantastic, Forgotten Citroën GS.
Photography by Carl Legelius, Claes Johansson, Simon Hamelius.
Launched in 1970—the same year as the famous SM—the GS filled an important slot in the Citroën range. Up until the GS arrived there had been an obvious gap between the frugal 2CV and its derivatives and the large and luxurious DS. GS stood for Grand Series to really point out that this was the marques’ new volume car.
The 13.7-ft long (4.2-metre) GS was aimed at the growing middle class, and competed both in size, performance and price with cars like the Ford Taunus/Cortina, Opel Ascona, Saab 96, Morris Marina, Fiat 124, Alfasud and Volkswagen K70.
Why pick the GS over the more mainstream competition? Simple: its advanced construction and unrivalled ride comfort. It had the hydropneumatic suspension and brake system of its larger siblings, disc brakes all ’round, and a newly-developed, high-revving air-cooled four cylinder engine.
I drive a 1975 Citroën GS 1220 Pallas. It has the slighter larger engine of 1,222-cc, compared to the first cars, offered with just a 1,015-cc engine. The Pallas trim in the Citroën range means it’s the top model with more brightwork, thicker carpeting, and higher-spec upholstery. Even today, I think it’s really elegant—and has aged remarkably well.
It was bought new by a man in Kiruna, the northernmost town in Sweden—a small community north of the Arctic Circle. Rather oddly, he only drove three cars in his life, the first a Model T Ford, the second a ’50s Ford Taunus 12m, and finally, the Citroën GS. He must really have felt the technical development of the car industry with each trade-up!
After some 30 years of pedantical ownership (he was well known at the local Citroën garage) he sold the car to an enthusiast who had a light restoration of the car carried out. There was no rust at all and the tobacco brown interior was in very good condition, but the original metallic paint work was very matted down by time.
When I was 18 and just had received my driving licence in the mid-eighties, there were plenty of GS models around to choose from. Better yet, they were dirt cheap! I ran a string of them, buying them for a song, enjoying their comfort and roadholding until an expensive part broke, usually after a year or so. Then it was passed on to another motorist even more cheaply—or scrapped.
This example, however, was a whole new deal: a GS in almost mint condition. I was proud to really care for it, and I only used in the summer time. As soon as I got behind the one-spoke steering wheel, I felt at home. Despite its humble engine capacity, the GS is a car that loves to be driven…and the feel of performance you get out of the 1.2-litre engine is a lot stronger than the 60 horsepower its specification says.
The feeling on road is of a much larger car, with stability and road holding that beggars belief—just look at those narrow tires! The only thing you have to adapt to is the high-revving engine: 5500–6000 rpm on the motorway sounds a lot but feels totally effortless for the car.
When you compare the GS with the often three times more expensive SM coupé you see many similarities.
In period, the Citroën GS lived up to its name and became a big seller—at least by Citroën standards. Together with its facelifted successor, the GSA, more than 2.5 million cars were built. Today, sadly very few still exist…and the interest even among Citroën enthusiasts is very limited.
I think the GS is even more fascinating than the larger DS and SM—because, like the 2CV, the GS was a “people’s car” that drove as well as the very best cars of its era.
Want to see your road trip on Petrolicious? Click here for more information .
Deixe uma resposta.
14 Comments on "Accessible Classic: The Fantastic, Forgotten Citroën GS"
Very nice one, man. 🙂 And the text is good to read. I have never seen GS, or at least I don´t remember, but I always liked that car. It´s under “shadow” of “glory” of famosu Citroen classics, like 2CV, DS, SM, but also Ami, but it´s very interesting car. Still not so expensive, with hydraulic suspension and nice, timeless design… Have a place on my lsit of cars, which I would like to get.
I have one but dont have the funds ….
My dad drove a grass green Citroën GS in 1982.
I remember it already started rusting on photographs in the sales catalogue…
Nice article and what a beautiful car!
I love all these Citroens from this era, DS, CX, GS, 2CV, even the Ami (Break!) I like.
My first car, back in 1993, was a 1977 GS 1220 Club. Hated its looks (it was white and I had all my friends draw on it with black markers, I hated that color so much), but love its engine note and handling, especially on snow thanks to its skinny tires and height adjustable suspension.
This story brings me back to 1980 when my father bought his first Citroen, a red GSA. The GSA was a facelifted version of the GS with a ´fifth´door and had a bigger 1299 cc flat four engine with 65 horsepower. The self leveling suspension was a nice gimmick.
Carl your GS Pallas is very nice example of the GS series. Enjoy it and keep it on the road.;)
In the 80ties a coworker of mine had one. I like them but I forgot about them. Checked on mobile. de to see how many are on offer in Germany nowadays. I was surprised – only 15 and only one build before 1975 (CA-Smog):
I really used to dislike French cars, namely Citroens. Usually felt they were bland and uninteresting. But I’ve seen that they were bland to me because I didn’t see what they were actually doing. Personally some of the most character filled cars I’ve ever heard of. Hell, some of them are genuinely attractive, such as this GS. Great looking car, hopefully someone will have one of these at the import show this year.
i miss theses genuine little citroens.
at the time they were popular cars, well designed, great to drive, even affordable.
where have they all gone ?
In the US at least, they either:
1. Fell into great disrepair because there were never many Citroen dealers.
2. They all rusted.
3. Some combination of the two, and/or one caused the other.
Vintage Son, they never sold them in the US or Canada… a handful were brought in for testing, and stayed, but that’s it. The Citroen Executives choose to focus on the Mehari instead… a really bad business decision… the GS would have done well here in the US, I bet, like all the other markets.
Cool car, shame there are not that many left on the road these days. Remember one of the custom car mags featured one a few years ago. It had white wall tyres which sounds horrendous but worked really well on the GS.

Point trade system ran gs

From: Entrance Terminal.
* Eliminate 10 Onslaughts within 40 minutes.
Reward: Exp 16000, Alm Stick [1D], Able to enter the Campus Holes and.
leave the Campus.
Notes: Requirement:Immortal [Complete the requirements/objectives within.
the stated time limit and Do Not Die during the test]
From: Security Guard [School Hole]
* Find Medical School Memorandum from Blood Drinker.
* Pass Short Notes to Guard.
Reward: Gold 1000, 4 Spiritual Spheres.
From: Security Guard.
* Collect 10 pieces each of small HP, med SP and med MP from Blood Drinker.
* Talk to Security Guard.
* Deliver items to Campus Nurse.
Reward: Gold 9000, Small HP Recovery Potion [10]
From: Campus Nurse.
* Get 10 Brandishment Daggers from Swordie Ardee.
* Deliver Daggers to Security Guard.
Reward: Exp 6000, Gold 5000.
Notes: Requirement:Immortal [Do Not Die during the test], Non redoable if failed.
From: Student Center 1 Terminal.
* Eliminate 36 Renegades.
* Confirm purification at Student Center 1 Terminal.
Reward: Exp 6500, Iron Gloves , Hockey Stick.
* Eliminate 36 Crooks.
* Confirm purification at Science Classroom Terminal.
Reward: Exp 6500, Iron Gloves , Hockey Stick.
* Collect 5 cards (Emer. Locker Lnk Crd) from Drunkard.
Reward: Emergency Locker Link Card [6][7D] (not for sale)
From: Bus Driver.
* Find respective Technical Teacher and request for Spare Parts.
* Pass Spare Parts to Bus Driver.
Reward: Exp 12000, Gold 1000, Can travel by bus and utilize Bus Stops.
From: Bus Driver.
* Go to Construction Supervisor.
Reward: Gold 1000.
From: Construction Supervisor.
* Find Technical Teacher.
* Search for Generator parts from Marionette [MP] | Fatty Bom-Bom [SG] |
Cement Fatty [PX]
* Deliver Generator Parts to Construction Supervisor.
Reward: Exp 12000, Aruhagen Ring [Lvl:30]
From: Cleaner [MP]
* Collect 20 Empty Bottles from Chicken & Stray Dogs.
* Deliver Empty Bottles to Cleaner [MP]
Reward: Exp 4000, Gold 5000.
Notes: Can trade 20 Empty Bottles w/ Cleaner [MP] for a Synthesizer Upgrade Set.
at any time after the completion of this quest.
From: Cleaner [SG]
* Collect 20 Empty Bottles from Miner Fatty.
* Deliver Empty Bottles to Cleaner [SG]
Reward: Exp 4000, Gold 5000.
Notes: Can trade 20 Empty Bottles w/ Cleaner [SG] for a Synthesizer Upgrade Set.
at any time after the completion of this quest.
From: Cleaner [PX]
* Collect 20 Empty Bottles from Sanitizer.
* Deliver Empty Bottles to Cleaner [PX]
Reward: Exp 4000, Gold 5000.
Notes: Can trade 20 Empty Bottles w/ Cleaner [PX] for a Synthesizer Upgrade Set.
at any time after the completion of this quest.
From: Construction Supervisor.
* Find respective Physics Teacher.
Reward: Life Point 1, Skill Point 1, Med HP, Big MP, Big SP.
Notes: It is possible to miss this quest and it's rewards by completing the quest.
"Physics Teacher's Test" before completing this one.
From: Physics Teacher.
* Eliminate 15 Barba [MP|PX] / 15 Cordy [SG]
* Confirm test and talk to Physics teacher within 40 minutes.
Reward: Exp 15000, Life Point 10, 5 Spiritual Spheres.
Notes: Requirement:Immortal [Complete the requirements/objectives within.
the stated time limit and Do Not Die during the test]
This quest is available even without completing "Physics Teacher's Call".
From: Physics Teacher [MP]
* Talk to Technical Teacher.
* Deliver Currency Notes to your Student Director [MP]
* Talk to Student Director [PX] to request for Suggestion Form.
* Talk to Student Director [SG] to accept backup disk.
* Talk to Student Director [PX] to transfer backup disk.
* Deliver prospectus to your Student Director [MP]
Reward: Exp 20000, Gold 2000, Life Point 5, Skill Point 1, Dark Ring [lvl:30]
Notes: Use the Bus Stop @ the Market and access the Campuses through the buggies.
From: Physics Teacher [SG]
* Talk to Technical Teacher.
* Deliver Currency Notes to your Student Director [SG]
* Talk to Student Director [MP] to request for Suggestion Form.
* Talk to Student Director [PX] to accept backup disk.
* Talk to Student Director [MP] to transfer backup disk.
* Deliver prospectus to your Student Director [SG]
Reward: Exp 20000, Gold 2000, Life Point 5, Skill Point 1, Dark Ring [lvl:30]
Notes: Use the Bus Stop @ the Market and access the Campuses through the buggies.
From: Physics Teacher [PX]
* Talk to Technical Teacher.
* Deliver Currency Notes to your Student Director [PX]
* Talk to Student Director [SG] to request for Suggestion Form.
* Talk to Student Director [MP] to accept backup disk.
* Talk to Student Director [SG] to transfer backup disk.
* Deliver prospectus to your Student Director [PX]
Reward: Exp 20000, Gold 2000, Life Point 5, Skill Point 1, Dark Ring [lvl:30]
Notes: Use the Bus Stop @ the Market and access the Campuses through the buggies.
For MP students, this is automatically generated after "Physics Teacher's Test".
As this is a duplicate (bug), JUST IGNORE until it is removed by the tech team.
From: Student Director.
* Retrieve Order Books from Security Guard.
* Deliver Order Books to Technical Teacher.
* Deliver Order Books to Physics Teacher.
Reward: Exp 12000, Life Point 5, Skill Point 1.
Notes: Use the Bus Stops. The Bus Card [7D] is your friend.
From: Physics Teacher.
* Search for 7 pieces of Map from Clowns.
* Talk to respective Physics Teacher to verify Map pieces (not SG Ring)
* Talk to Student Director [SG] to combine pieces of the Map.
* Talk to Secret Agent at SG Hole (135,115) to confirm location of Leonair Campus.
Reward: Exp 20000, Life Point 5, Skill Point 1, Stat Point 1,
8 Spiritual Spheres, Azrael Rosary [lvl:30]
* Collect 5 cards (St. point Pass) from Blood Hunter.
Reward: Start Point Pass [6][7D] (not for sale)
From: Student Director.
* Collect 20 Notes from Hell Scissors or Construction Fatty.
Reward: Gold 10000, Life Point 1.
* Go to different coordinates stated.
Reward: Gold 10000, Exp 8000 | Exp 10000.
From: Nurse [Hole]
* Get medication from Nurse [SG Ring]
* Deliver medication back to Nurse [Hole]
Reward: Exp 12000, Small HP Recovery Potion [5], Refine Pill [5]
From: Nurse [SG Ring]
* Collect medication from Physics Teacher [MP]
* Deliver medication to Physics Teacher [PX]
* Deliver proposal to Nurse [SG Ring]
Reward: Exp 15000, 6 Spiritual Spheres.
From: Technical Teacher.
* [MP] Eliminate 15 Chickens within 40 minutes.
* [SG] Eliminate 20 Uncle Potato within 20 minutes.
* [PX?] Eliminate 20 Blood Hungers within 40 minutes ?
* Confirm results to Technical Teacher.
Reward: Exp 15000, Life Point 10, Skill Point 1.
Notes: Requirement:Immortal [Complete the requirements/objectives within.
the stated time limit and Do Not Die during the test]
* Report to the Guard at the SacredGateHole (65,8 - Swordsman)

Magic Johnson Says 'Showtime' Lakers Would Beat the Golden State Warriors.
Los Angeles Lakers legend Magic Johnson, who was the catalyst for the franchise's "Showtime" heyday, believes his best team could defeat the current Golden State Warriors squad.
Johnson tweeted on Tuesday, "I disagree with Mychal Thompson and his son Klay, my 'Showtime' Lakers would beat the Warriors."
A five-time NBA champion and three-time NBA Finals MVP, Johnson certainly has the accolades to back up his words. He went on at greater length on ESPN's First Take on Tuesday, explaining how Golden State would have serious matchup issues against his Lakers (via ESPN news services):
We've never seen two guys who can shoot like Steph [Curry] and Klay, and I give them that. But they've never ran up against somebody like us. I'm telling you, whoever is going to dog me, I'm going to be wearing them down. I'm going to be wearing them out. James Worthy will be wearing them out, wearing them down. Kareem [Abdul-Jabbar] is going to be wearing them out, wearing them down. .
. The Warriors would have bad matchups against us. There's no way they're going to deal with Kareem. There's no way they're going to deal with James Worthy. The thing that we could do, that would affect them and cause some problems, is that we could set up and we could run on them on the fast break.
Johnson was responding to Warriors guard Klay Thompson, who told reporters that his team is "better than the 'Showtime' Lakers."
Teammate Draymond Green, however, downplayed the comparison, saying: "I think it's all subjective. To say we're better than the 'Showtime' Lakers, how can you say that? We never played them."
On Monday, Klay's dad, Mychal, who played with Magic, agreed with his son. "Two things make me think they would beat us. Their defense—their team defense—is as good as ours was. They really play great team defense," he said, according to USA Today (via Yahoo Sports).
Pro basketball rules led to a more physical style of play in Johnson's prime, so he may have a point with regard to wearing out Golden State with tenacity. As Johnson said, though, Stephen Curry and Thompson would have the ability to neutralize that with their epic three-point shooting prowess.
Most of what Johnson focused on was his competitive fire to explain why his team would prevail.
"I'm never going to give in to nobody—I don't care who it is. I don't care what Mychal said. . My 'Showtime' Lakers would beat the Warriors," Johnson said (via ESPN). "I don't care what you say or anybody else. I'm coming at them, and I'm coming hard at them."
The Warriors currently hold a 2-0 series lead in the NBA Finals over the Cleveland Cavaliers. They are only two wins away from repeating as NBA champions and capping off an epic year that featured a record 73 wins in the regular season.
NBA TV analyst Vinny Del Negro came out to support Johnson's position:
We saw how much length impacted the Warriors. These #Lakers had Kareem, Magic and Worthy. They would be too big. t. co/rQvjMLviyr.
It's hard to argue with Golden State's results from the 2015-16 campaign, though. The entire league was targeting the Warriors as the reigning Larry O'Brien Trophy bearers, yet they raised their game—and surmounted a 3-1 Western Conference Finals series deficit to defeat the Oklahoma City Thunder.
James Worthy is a similar game-changing force to Green, who has a nasty streak of his own. That one-on-one matchup would've been among the most fascinating to watch.
Then there's the Kareem Abdul-Jabbar factor, which would probably work in L. A.'s favor. He is the NBA's all-time leading scorer, and even a stable of strong interior defenders in Andrew Bogut and Festus Ezeli would be hard-pressed to stop his signature skyhook shot.
The X-factor duel would likely be Johnson himself going up against Curry. They are vastly different players—Johnson was much taller and a far more frequent distributor, whereas Curry is a scoring machine who can also create off the dribble and find open teammates.

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